The two became Lakers, and then it only remained tohave a guru with mythical statistics, Phil Jackson.Another Hall of Famer added to my cup, which nodoubt was runneth over. Another threechampionships, each one distinct and flavorful.
But chapter two had an ending as well. We had a few bad years. We missed the playoffsanother time, the second in my 31 years. But good fortune was still on my side. He listened tomy plea when I said "Come back, Phil, come back!" I mixed in a little Spanish future Hall ofFamer named Gasol, and voila! Another two championships.
这第二章的结局很好,但是之后我们又经历了一段糟糕的时间。 在我31年的职业生涯里,我们第二次错过了季后赛。不过,幸运之神还是眷頋我们。我哀求道:“回来吧,菲尔,回来吧丨”我招进了 有西班牙血统的、将来会在名人堂占有一席之地的加索尔。瞧吧,我们就又得到了两次冠军,
Life is good, life is sweet. I am blessed with a wonderful family, who have helped me and guidedme every step of the way. This support is the best anybody could ever have. I say thank you,my children.
So you see it's really not such a miracle I'm here. These men put their hands together, theirsouls together, and brought me with them. And I thank each and every one of you from thebottom of my heart."