【离婚相关词汇】 separate 分居 split up 分手/离婚 marital discord 婚姻不和 marital breakdown 婚姻关系的破裂 domestic violence(abuse) 家暴 extramarital affair 婚外情 adultery 通奸 divorcee 离婚者 divorce rate 离婚率 divorce proceedings 离婚诉讼
Nupial love makes mankind; friendly love perfects it; but wanton love corrupts it
Most women have other women as adversaries; most men have all other men as their allies
I hide my storm-like love in my heart just not to give you any pressure. The more precious my love is, the more I cherish the love from others.
【旅行必备九大神器】Cushion Your Seat 舒适坐垫;Warm Shawl 暖和的围巾;Peaceful Earplugs 隔音耳塞;Refreshing Mist 保湿喷雾 ;Lavender Aromatherapy Set 薰衣草香薰套装;Pick-Me-Up Spray 清醒喷雾;Life-Changing Books 人生励志书籍;Baby Wipes 婴儿用湿纸巾;Media Players 多媒体播放器
Lost time is never found again.
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