If you can't be a pencil to write anyone's happiness, try to be a nice eraser to remove someone's sadness.若是无法成为一支铅笔,书写别人的快乐,那就尽力变成一块橡皮,抹去他们的悲伤。
If you're not happy, it's not your life that is wrong but just the way you live your life.不开心,不是生活出了问题,而是你的生活方式出了问题。
Thousands beautiful sceneries of future are not as good as the warm present, because every scene of presence was once our imagination of future. 其实千万个美丽的未来,抵不上一个温暖的现在;每一个真实的现在,都是我们曾经幻想的未来。
When you do a bit better than others, they'd be jealous and they'd admire you when you make a huge difference. 当你超过别人一点点,别人会嫉妒你;当你超过别人一大截,别人就会羡慕你。
Good love makes you see the whole world from one person while bad love makes you abandon the whole world for one person. 好的爱情是你通过一个人看到整个世界,坏的爱情是你为了一个人舍弃世界。
We do not feel happy, because we are not pursuing happiness, but more happiness than others.我们觉得不开心,是因为我们追求的不是幸福,而是比别人幸福。