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    1. Libreria Acqua Alta, Venice, Italy

    意大利威尼斯 Libreria Acqua Alta书店


    This bookstore features classic volumes of American and Italian books packed in traditional Venetian gondola boats. But the show-stopping attraction is the back of the bookstore, which opens up to a beautiful canal。


    “It’s a bookshop right on the canal that floods every year, so the eccentric, stray-cat-adopting owner keeps his books in boats, bathtubs and a disused gondola to protect them,” writes Paris Review。


    The store is also lauded for its extensive art and postcard collections。


    2. John K. King Used And Rare Books, Detroit, Michigan

    密歇根州底特律 John K. King Used And Rare Books书店

    This houses more than a million books in an abandoned glove factory in Detroit's industrial wasteland。


    Cardboard signs, musty paperback aromas, and a hand-scrawled map out of a Wes Anderson panic attack are your only tour guides as you lose track of time and the person you came with。


    3. Boekhandel Selexyz Dominicanen in Maastricht, Holland

    荷兰马斯特里赫特 Boekhandel Selexyz Dominicanen书店

    This epic bookstore is a converted Dominican church from the 13th century. The serene alcoves of the church now serve as reading nooks。


    "A superb example of adaptive re-use, the Selexyz Dominicanen infuses rich and historic architecture with plentiful shelves ripe with information," writes Diane Pham at inhabitant.com。

    “这是适应性重新利用的一个极好的例子,这家书店把很多富含信息的书架与历史灿烂悠久的建筑融合到了一起。” inhabitant网站上的戴安这样写道。

    4. BookPeople, Austin, Texas

    德克萨斯州奥斯汀 BookPeople 书店


    Texas' largest independent bookstore is situated in the trendy Market District of Austin, Texas. The store prides itself on its knowledgable staff and epic selections。

    7. The Bookworm, Beijing, China


    The Bookworm is both a lending library and a bookstore with a ridiculously expansive collection. There's also a gourmet European cafe on the premises。

    “老书虫” 书店既是一家图书馆,也是一家书店,藏书种类令人叹为观止,此外在这里你还能喝到醇香的欧式咖啡。

    "We love this Beijing spot when we're craving a double-dose of intellectual stimulation and decent café food. Thousands of English-language books fill the shelves and may be borrowed for a fee or read inside. New books and magazines are also for sale," writes Fodor's Travel。

    “我们喜欢这里,因为我们渴望既得到智力上的开发,又能在咖啡厅吃到好吃的食物。书架上有成千上万本英文图书,你可以租着看,也可以在书店里看。书店里也卖新书和杂志。” Fodor’s 旅游指南网站上这样写道。

    8. El Ateneo, Buenes Aires, Argentina

    阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯 El Ateneo书店

    This bookstore is housed in an ornate theater building from the 1920's. Customers can sit in still-intact theater boxes to relax and browse their books。


    "While the selection of books on offer is standard chain store fare, bibliophiles will find the staggeringly opulent display of books to be reason enough to pay El Ateneo Grand Splendid a visit," according to Atlas Obscura。

    “虽然所提供书籍的价格是标准连锁店的价格,但是藏书爱好者们会觉得,这家书店里那种华丽得不可思议的图书展示方式值得他们前往。” Atlas Obscura网站上有人写道。

    9. Cafebreria El Pendulo, Mexico City, Mexico

    墨西哥墨西哥城 Cafebreria El Pendulo书店


    This bookstore and cafe has ample greenery inside。


    "At once bar, cafe and bookstore, the Cafebreria El Pendulo offers a well air conditioned abode for reading and lounging, and living plants decorate the interior," The Huffington Post writes.


    10. Books & Books, Coral Gables, Florida

    佛罗里达州科勒尔盖布尔斯 Books & Books书店


    This Miami-area bookstore is especially known for its great selection of art titles and is housed in a stunning building from the 1920's。


    "No local author considers himself “made” until he’s read at Books & Books, and no lit-minded visitor considers a vacation complete until he’s browsed for autographed stock in at least one of the stores," CBS Local writes, adding that the store has constant special events。

    “ 当地的作家如果没在Books & Books里看到自己出的书就不会觉得自己‘成功’,对文学感兴趣的人,只有在商店里浏览过有作者亲笔签名的图书后才会觉得假期是完整的。”CBS Local 网站写道,并补充说店里经常有特别的活动。

    11. Shakespeare and Company, Paris, France

    法国巴黎 Shakespeare and Company书店

    The original Shakespeare & Company on Paris' Left Bank was a hangout for Ernest Hemingway, Ezra Pound, and James Joyce, but closed during World War Two。


    The store re-opened in 1951 and has become a popular favorite because of its ambience and selection。


    "Time has not sundered the love-in between literature and Paris's Left Bank," writes Time. "The Shakespeare and Company bookstore has long been a fixture of the affair."

    “时间没有把文学和巴黎左岸这对爱人分开,” 《时代》周刊写道。“这家书店一直是他们这段感情中的固定角色。”

    12. Politics & Prose, Washington D.C。

    美国华盛顿特区的Politics & Prose书店

    This bookstore in the nation's Capitol is best-known for its amazing line-up of speakers. Past guests have included J.K. Rowling and Bill Clinton。


    "Priding itself on its well-read staff and inside-the-Beltway speakers, this bookstore dating to 1984 makes its home in a nondescript neighborhood north of the Van Ness metro," writes Travel & Leisure. "Politics and Prose combines impressive on-site inventory with a pleasant downstairs cafe."


    13. Bart's Books, Ojai, California

    加利福尼亚奥海镇 Bart's Books书店


    Bart's books is the largest outdoor bookstore in the world, and is situated in a picturesque town in Southern California。


    "Bart’s Books is a beautiful outdoor bookstore where you can sip lemonade in the courtyard surrounded by a maze of bookshelves, play a game of chess in the shade or read a short story under the apple tree," writes travel and lifestyle blogger Messy Nessy Chic。

    “这是一个美丽的户外书店,你可以在书架环绕的院子里喝着柠檬汁,在树荫里玩象棋或在苹果树下看短篇小说。” 旅游和时尚生活博客Messy Nessy Chic上写道。

    14. Corso Como, Milan, Italy

    意大利米兰 Corso Como书店

    This gorgeous bookstore, named one of the 10 most beautiful in the world, doubles as a flea market and is sure to keep everyone entertained。


    "Corso Como is a wonderful low profile high-end fashion, café, bookstore, and art hub in one of the nicer parts of Milan," a fan of the store writes on Yelp. "If you're not careful you can walk right past this place, but when you enter into its gates you know you are in for an experience."

    “Corso Como是一个美妙的低调高端时尚区、咖啡馆、书店和艺术中心,位于米兰比较好的地段,”一名该店的粉丝在Yelp上写道。“如果你不留心,你很可能就错过了这个地方,但是当你进入它的大门,你就知道你是来体验的。”

    15. Barter Books, Alnwick, UK。

    英国阿尼克 Barter Books书店


    This shop used to be a train station, and miniature trains still go around the shelves. The architecture, which includes rounded ceilings and decorative lighting, is stunning。


    "The books range from such categories as paperback and fiction, poetry and plays, history, philosophy or women studies to crime, biography, business and economics and even such topics as transport, maritime, gardening, needlework, etc.," according to bookstoreguide.org。

    “书的种类很广泛,有平装书,有小说、诗歌和戏剧、历史、哲学、女性研究、犯罪、传记、商业、经济,甚至包括交通、海运、园艺和刺绣等。” bookstoreguide.org 网上写道。

    "Barter Books also has open fires in the winter, a station buffet with a menu made up of home-made and/or locally sourced food (both hot and cold) and speciality coffees and teas, and a children's room filled with toys," according to the guide。


    16. Prairie Lights, Iowa City, Iowa

    爱荷华州爱荷华市的Prairie Lights书店

    This bookstore is next door to the University of Iowa's famous Writer's Workshop, a program with famous alums including Kurt Vonnegut。


    "Owned by a pair of poets, the shop features 40,000 titles leaning heavily toward fiction, travel, children’s, and—no surprise—poetry," writes Travel & Leisure magazine。


    17. Boulder Books

    Boulder Books 书店

    This eclectic bookstore is known for its indie vibes and knowledgable staff. It's also a hub for famous authors' readings and book signings。


    "Despite its size, Boulder Bookstore has the feel of that around-the-corner gathering place that is a favorite to frequent, linger, read, visit and shop," writes CBS Denver。

    “尽管书店的大小有限,但它那转角的感觉却让人很喜欢经常去那里、在那里流连忘返、阅读、参观和购物。” CBS Devnver 网站上写道。

    18. Powell's Books, Portland, Oregon

    俄勒冈州波特兰市 Powell's Books 书店

    This former car dealership takes up an entire city block and boasts more than 1 million titles。


    "The sixty-eight-thousand-square-foot space is divided into nine color-coded rooms, which together house more than 3,500 sections," writes Poets & Writers. "From the moment you walk in, it feels as if you could find anything there."


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