There is one fact of life we should all face at some point. That truth is that we aren’t going to understand everything in life. There are just going to be mysteries we won’t be able to puzzle out。
Case in point: it’s impossible to understand why any of the products actually exist. Some are funny and others are just plain confusing, but you can buy all of them online. It’s honestly hard to understand why anyone would buy any of these products. I guess it’s hard to argue taste. Someone out there apparently loves, and will buy, hot chili flavored lip gloss。
An application named "I am rich" was sold on the Apple App Store for $ 999.99. It does nothing and 8 people bought it。一款名为“我是土豪”的应用在苹果应用商店上售卖,价格为999.99美元。这款应用什么功能都没有,但却已经有8人购买了这款土豪应用。