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    Rooms That Set the Scene


    Lisa Borgnes Giramonti had families from books in mind when researching “Novel Interiors: Living in Enchanted Rooms Inspired by Literature” (due next month, $35). Scouting homes in Southern California, Manhattan and New Jersey, she found details evoking British moors and New England cottages.

    丽莎·伯格涅斯·吉拉蒙迪(Lisa Borgnes Giramonti)在为撰写《小说中的室内装潢:生活在文学世界的美屋里》(Novel Interiors: Living in Enchanted Rooms Inspired by Literature)(下月发售,定价35美元[约合人民币214元])做调研的时候,脑海中浮现出了很多书中的家庭。她在加州南部、曼哈顿和新泽西州 寻访住宅的过程中,从一些细节联想到了英伦沼地和新英格兰别墅的风情。

    Rough wood furniture on pale stone floors reminded her of chairs at Wuthering Heights that Emily Brontë called “high-backed, primitive structures.” Gently worn sofas raised the specter of drawing-room upholstery described by Jane Austen as “under the influence of four summers and two children.” Overflowing library shelves looked as enticing as Louisa May Alcott’s “wilderness of books,” where Jo March liked to retreat. And rooms piled with unfinished projects called up Virginia Woolf’s taste for some creative chaos of one’s own. Referring to these messy spaces, Ms. Borgnes Giramonti said in an interview, “It means that there’s life and soul and action and ideas.” Information: randomhouse.com.

    浅色石头地板上的粗木家具,让她想起了艾米莉·勃朗特(Emily Brontë)在《呼啸山庄》中描绘的那种“结构粗糙的高背椅”。一些略旧的沙发,令人联想到简·奥斯汀(Jane Austen)笔下,“经过四个春秋和两个孩子的折腾”(摘自《劝导》[Persuation]译林1996年版——译注)的客厅家具。塞得满满当当的书 架,就和路易莎·梅·奥尔科特(Louisa May Alcott)笔下的“书海”一样令人憧憬,那是乔·马奇(Jo March,《小妇人》[Little Women]的主人公——译注)的心灵港湾。而堆满未完成作品的房间,不由让人联想起弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫(Virginia Woolf)对一些属于自己的独具创意的混乱的喜好。当谈到这些凌乱的空间时,伯格涅斯·吉拉蒙迪在采访中表示,“这就意味着,那里是有生命、有灵魂、有 行动、有创意的。”详见:randomhouse.com。

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