A BBC reporter killed himself after he complained of being sexually harassed by a woman colleague, his family claimed yesterday.
英国BBC 电视台的一名男记者在10月22日自杀身亡。他的家人在10月25日声称,他是因为不堪一名女性同事的性骚扰,向上司投诉无效才想不开轻生的。
Russell Joslin died on Monday of asphyxiation. Last Friday he was admitted to a psychiatrichospital ke his own life.
Mr Joslin, 50, had been on long-term sick leave from his radio job at BBC Coventry and Warwickshire but recently returned to work.
His father, former Warwickshire Chief Constable Peter Joslin, said the female former colleague made unwanted advances towards his son around five years ago.
He said Russell reported the matter to BBC chiefs but they ignored his complaint. He is now calling for an inquiry into the handling of the case.
Mr Joslin, 78, said: “I do blame the BBC for Russell’s death. I believe he was not listened to when he flagged up his concerns and he was repeatedly ignored by his bosses.
现年78岁的皮特-乔斯林先生表示:“我儿子的死BBC公司的确要负责任。BBC 公司在他提出求助的时候漠然视之,他的上司也对他多次的投诉未采取任何行动。”
“His working conditions at the BBC, where he had worked happily for many years, had become intolerable.” He added: “He had a friendship with her but she calculated it was more than it was.”
A BBC source claimed it was common knowledge at the station that Russell, a bachelor, had fended off unwanted attention from her.
一位BBC 内部人士声称,目前单身的拉塞尔已经多次拒绝对方的无理要求,这在之声已经是人尽皆知的事情。
The insider said: “Other staff told me she was infatuatedwith Russell. They said she wanted more than just friendship but he wasn’t interested.
In a text to friends he said he was scared of talking publicly about his problems with the woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons. It is believed she denies he ever made a complaint.
An inquest into his death was adjourned yesterday. A BBC spokesman said: “The BBC is committed to working constructively with the family to ensure that their concerns are vigorously addressed.”