Wine and Chocolate Pairings for Valentine’s Day
With the arrival of February comes a question as inevitable as long-stem roses, come-hither lingerie and ridiculously bad Valentine’s Day restaurant deals: What wine goes best with chocolate?
I have done my curmudgeonly best to avoid ever having to answer this question seriously. The whole issue smacks too much of “sinful desserts,” “guilty pleasures” and all the other puritanical constructions that cause people to feel as if they are daring the moral authorities by risking a glass of wine on a weeknight. If drinking wine with chocolate qualifies as a naughty thrill, well, our perception of naughtiness seems appallingly limited.

新泽西州拉姆西的Bottle King等零售商正在把葡萄酒和巧克力搭配在一起销售。
Yet, while I personally am not that interested in drinking wine with chocolate, the question of which combinations are best is a good one, with some excellent answers. It turns out that wine and chocolate can indeed make beautiful music together, though, as I discovered in a week of testing various pairings, they can also sound some discordant notes.
The question hinges not simply on which wine to choose but on which chocolate you plan to eat. I experimented with various pure chocolate bars, ranging from milk chocolate (34 percent cacao) through dark chocolate (70 percent cacao) to very dark (85 percent cacao). I did not try filled or flavored bonbons, which no doubt would add different flavor dimensions and additional sweetness to the equation.
Like many people nowadays, I generally prefer the purer flavors of dark chocolate to milk chocolate. But counterintuitively, I found that the light sweetness of milk chocolate was more versatile with a wider range of wines than the darker chocolates, which have a distinct bitterness that, while welcome on its own, can clash with a wine that’s not equipped to handle it.
Regardless of the chocolate itself, the wines that go with it best share two particular characteristics: They are intensely sweet, and they have good acidity, a quality that, despite the sweetness, lifts the wine and refreshes the palate, leaving you ready and eager to eat even more chocolate.
The wines most often associated with chocolate are port and Madeira. The two are frequently uttered in the same breath, yet I by far preferred Madeira with each type of chocolate. Madeira, from the Portuguese island of Madeira, can range from dry and light to rich and very sweet. The sweetest Madeiras, generally made from the malvasia candida grape and labeled “malmsey,” are what you want with chocolate. Bual Madeiras, which are slightly less sweet, were overwhelmed, but chocolate and malmsey indeed was a lovely match.
最常与巧克力联系起来的葡萄酒是波特(port)和马德拉(Madeira)。这两种葡萄酒经常被同时提起,但是到目前为止,我更喜欢用马德拉来搭配各种巧克力。马德拉葡萄酒产自葡萄牙的马德拉岛,包括干型、清淡型、浓郁型和极甜型。最甜的马德拉葡萄酒通常是用玛尔维萨白葡萄做成的,被称为“玛尔维萨甜酒”(malmsey),用它来搭配巧克力最合适。布阿尔马德拉葡萄酒(Bual Madeiras)的甜度略为逊色,会被巧克力的甜味淹没,但是巧克力和马姆齐的确是迷人的组合。
Blandy’s 5-Year malmsey, a wine aged a minimum of five years, is a good entry-level Madeira and costs about $20 to $25. Even better is Blandy’s 15-Year Madeira, for $35 to $40, which had a beautifully bright, refreshing flavor that was superb with chocolate. Best of all would be vintage malmsey, or one of my favorites, New York Malmsey Special Reserve, a bottling from the Rare Wine Company made in the style of Madeiras from the 18th and 19th centuries. It was almost kaleidoscopic in its complexity yet remained deliciously refreshing. It can be found for around $60.
布兰迪葡萄酒庄(Blandy’s)的五年玛尔维萨(至少存放了五年时间)是很好的入门级马德拉,售价约为20至25美元。更好一点的是布兰迪的 15年马德拉,售价为35至40美元,它有一种明快清新的迷人滋味,与巧克力搭配起来极为美妙。最好的是陈年玛尔维萨,或者我最喜欢的纽约玛尔维萨特藏 (New York Malmsey Special Reserve),后者是稀有葡萄酒公司(Rare Wine Company)按照18至19世纪的马德拉风格酿造的。它的味道如同万花筒般丰富多彩,但仍保持着清新的口感,价格约为60美元。
By comparison, port in general lacks that same refreshing element with chocolate. Save the powerful vintage ports for walnuts and Stilton. I prefer tawny ports, particular 20-year-olds, which have achieved a mellow nuttiness from long barrel-aging sometimes referred to as “rancio,” yet are still lively enough to dance compatibly with dark chocolate. Taylor, Cockburn and Sandeman are reliable labels and will generally cost $40 to $50. Young ruby ports, like Graham’s Six Grapes, are decent alternatives for $15 to $20.
相比之下,波特葡萄酒总的来说缺乏与巧克力搭配所需的这种清新之感。还是把上好的陈年波特酒用来搭配核桃和斯蒂尔顿奶酪(Stilton)吧。我更喜欢黄褐色波特葡萄酒,特别是20年醇的,它长时间储存在木桶中,酝酿出一种柔和的口感,有时被称为“陈酿”(rancio),不过仍然足够活跃,能与黑巧克力和谐共舞。泰勒(Taylor)、科伯恩(Cockburn)和桑德曼(Sandeman)这些品牌值得信赖,通常售价为40至50美元。酒龄短的深红色葡萄酒是很好的替代品,比如格雷厄姆的“六个葡萄”(Graham’s Six Grapes)品牌,售价为15至30美元。
Both Madeira and port are fortified wines, meaning the sweet versions have had neutral spirits added to the wine in mid-fermentation, which stops the process before all the sugar in the grape juice has been converted into alcohol. I tried a number of other fortified wines, too. A PX sherry, made of the pedro ximénez grape, was so insistently sweet and syrupy as to be almost undrinkable. I would rather pour this style over ice cream than pair it with chocolate.
马德拉和波特都是甜度强化葡萄酒,意思是在发酵过程的中间阶段,在葡萄酒中加入中性烈酒,这会阻止葡萄汁中的所有糖分转化为酒精。我也尝试过其他几种强化葡萄酒。PX品牌有一种雪利酒是用帕德罗西门内葡萄(Pedro Ximénez)酿造的,它太甜了,像糖浆一样,几乎难以下咽。我更愿意把这种酒倒在冰激凌上,而不是和巧克力搭配。
But two other, lesser known fortified wines, Maury and Banyuls, were great. These wines, both from Roussillon in the south of France, are called vins doux naturels, though paradoxically they are indeed fortified. They are also rare, and many winemakers in Roussillon, as in the Douro, where port is produced, have turned to making still wines as public tastes have changed. But you can still find occasional bottles of Maury and Banyuls, made largely with the grenache grape.
A 2013 Banyuls “Rimage” from Domaine la Tour Vieille, around $30, was sweet with plenty of primary fruit flavors. It went just fine with the chocolate but will be even better after a few years of aging tempers the somewhat raw flavor of the alcohol.
拉图尔维埃耶葡萄园(Domaine la Tour Vieille)2013年酿造的巴纽尔斯Rimage葡萄酒售价在30美元左右,它很甜,而且含有很多基础水果的味道。它和巧克力搭配也挺好,但是如果能多放几年,让酒精的呛口滋味变得柔和一点,会更好。
I happened to have a rare bottle of older Maury, a 1965 from La Coume du Roy, which I opened last week to try with chocolate. I will report that this was a profound wine, sweet, nutlike and burnished, yet with bright, intriguing flavors that ricocheted through the mouth. It was surprisingly similar to the New York Malmsey Madeira, delicious in every way and especially with chocolate. You may not find a Maury this old, but I saw 1998 and 2001 Coume du Roys selling for around $40.
我碰巧有一瓶罕见的莫里陈酿,它是皇谷御酿酒庄(La Coume du Roy)1965年酿造的。上周我把它打开,尝试和巧克力搭配。这种葡萄酒口感醇厚,很甜,有果仁味,明亮,同时又有欢快、诱人的滋味在口中回荡。令人意外的是,它与纽约玛尔维萨马德拉葡萄酒很相似,从各个方面讲都很美味,特别是与巧克力搭配。你可能找不到年份如此久远的莫里酒,但我见过1998年和 2001年产的皇谷御酿葡萄酒,售价在40美元左右。
While fortified wines in general may be the best choices for chocolate, I did find one sensational option among unfortified sweet wines: Tokaji Aszu from Hungary. These wines, made with grapes that have been inflicted with botrytis, the famous noble rot, are both fiercely sweet and wonderfully acidic, with flavors of orange and apricot that meld gorgeously with chocolate.
虽然强化葡萄酒总体来说可能最适合与巧克力搭配,但我的确在非强化甜葡萄酒中找到了一个很好的选择:匈牙利的托卡伊·阿苏(Tokaji Aszu)葡萄酒。这种葡萄酒是用感染了葡萄孢菌(著名贵腐菌)的葡萄酿造的,具有强烈的甜味和美妙的酸味,还有橙子和杏的味道,它和巧克力的味道融合在一起好极了。
I tried a 2003 5 Puttonyos from Royal Tokaji, which had turned a dark amber in the bottle. Yet in the glass it was bright and lovely, thoroughly refreshing and a joyous match with each style of chocolate. And unlike the fortified wines, which ranged from 15 to 20 percent alcohol, it was about 10 percent. Wines like these, from slightly more recent vintages, run $40 to $50 a bottle.
我还尝试了皇家托卡伊(Royal Tokaji)的2003年5 Puttonyos(Puttonyo是当地采集葡萄的容器,用以表示甜度等级——译注)葡萄酒,它在酒瓶中会变成深琥珀色。但是盛在玻璃杯中却显得明亮秀丽,它的清新口感与每种巧克力搭配都令人愉悦。强化葡萄酒的度数通常为15%至20%,而这种葡萄酒的度数约为10%。类似的这种年份较近的葡萄酒售价为40至50美元。