Hundreds of photographs from the early years of the space age are for sale. That includes the first image taken from space — from an altitude of 65 miles by a camera on a V-2 rocket launched from the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico on Oct. 24, 1946. (The boundary to outer space is generally placed at 100 kilometers, or 62.1 miles.)
The prints are vintage — dating from that era, not modern reproductions — and come from the collection of a single European collector, said Sarah Wheeler, head of photographs at Bloomsbury Auctions in London. The more than 1,100 photographs, to be auctioned Thursday, are expected to fetch $750,000 to $1 million.
伦敦布鲁姆斯伯里拍卖行(Bloomsbury Auctions)的照片部主管萨拉·惠勒(Sarah Wheeler)说,这些旧照片来自那个时代,不是现代复制品,是一位欧洲收藏家的藏品。周四将拍卖1100多张照片,预计拍出75万美元至100万美元。
Some are iconic NASA photographs, like Apollo 8’s “Earthrise,” which shows our planet floating above the lunar horizon, and Buzz Aldrin’s boot print in the moon’s soil, taken during the Apollo 11 mission.
其中一些是美国国家航空航天局的标志性照片,比如阿波罗8号的《地球升起》(Earthrise)以及巴兹·奥尔德林(Buzz Aldrin)在月球上留下的脚印。前者展示的是地球悬挂在月球视界之上的情景,后者是在阿波罗11号航行任务中拍摄的。
But others were never widely distributed by NASA, and although some have been available on the web, the images are still unfamiliar to most. That includes a selfie taken by Mr. Aldrin in 1966 as he was floating in orbit during a Gemini 12 spacewalk.