Dinesh Upadhyaya,Science teacher from India holds 48 individual world records for stuffing objects into his mouth, including five golf balls, 79 grapes and 92 pencils.
Mr Upadhyaya claims the key to his ability is being able practicing daily.
Here he is pictured with six table tennis balls in his mouth.He said: 'Toenhance my mouth stuffing capacity, I practice yoga and breathing exercises regularly. I also massage my facial muscles and using fingers I try to stretch the opening of my mouth as much as possible.I repeat this for up to ten minutes to make my cheek rubber-like.‘
Mr Upadhyaya has also suffered some side effects to his unusual pastime, saying: 'After practice or a record attempt, I usually experience swellings in my mouth, especially in the lips and gum area.During the attempt I feel sensations of suffocation. I always overcome such minor things, though.
The towering 6ft, 6in tall record-breaker aims to break all 'mouth stuffing records as soon as possible'.