长颈鹿在哪? Where is the giraffe?

松鼠在哪? Where is the squirrel?
鳄鱼在哪? Where is the crocodile?
雀鸟在哪? Where is the Humming Bird?
鹦鹉在哪? Where is the parrot?
梅花鹿在哪? Where is the sika deer?
狼在哪?(在这好像超难找) Where is the wolf? It seems difficult to find it out.
里面有只豹...在哪? There is a leopard in the forest. Where is it?
柳雷鸟在哪? Where is the Willow Grouse?
白尾雷鸟在哪? Where is the White-tailed Ptarmigan?
猿猴在哪? Where is the ape?
猫头鹰在哪? Where is the owl ?
丘鹬在哪? Where is the Woodcock?
狐狸在哪? Where is the fox?
白狐在哪? Where is the arctic fox?
跳羚在哪? Where is the springbok?
两只鹰雀在哪? Where are the two hawks?
猫头鹰在哪? Where is the owl ?
海豹在哪? Where is the seal?
狮子在哪? Where is the lion?
你找到了几个?How many animals did you find out?