1.Many overseas guests are jealous of the host’s traditional Chinese decorations which are assessed at one million yuan but they are prohibited from touching anything for the sake of safety. 许多海外客人都嫉妒主人家传统的中式装修,据估计大约植一百万人民币,但是出于安全,他们被严禁接触任何东西。
2.The economic committee gave a brief but accurate description of the stable and constant increase of GDP so the public is convinced that the government is conveying the signal that the weak economy has recovered. 经济委员会简短但准确地阐述了国民生产总值稳定快速增长,因此,公众相信政府正在发出疲软的经济已经复苏的信号。
3.The senior official leaked that as a close partner, they committed themselves to taking concrete measures such as absorbing more labour force and eliminating some out-of-date products for the purpose of proceeding to exploit the potential market. 高级官员透露:作为亲密合伙人,他们承诺将采取具体措施例如吸收劳动力,淘汰一些过时的产品,为的是进一步挖掘潜在市场。
4.The embarrassed computer talent felt guilty of sending a threatening mail to the security department simply for fun as the police were appointed to search every vacant seat in the airport and plenty of flights were canceled. 由于警方受命在机场搜索每个空位,很多航班被取消,哪个尴尬的电脑天才十分内疚,自己仅仅为了好玩寄了一封恐吓信给保安部。
5.In principle, the installed software is assumed to make the accounting system more efficient but the reality is that all of us are discouraged from learning by heart so much complicated operating procedure. 理论上,所安装的软件是希望用来让系统更有效率,但事实是我们所有的人都十分受挫,因为要背熟那么多复杂的操作流程。
6.Nowadays, now that the private cars are the symbol of success, ideal life and social position, many businessmen with the driving license hold the belief that owning a luxurious car is closely linked with pursuing a high-quality life. 当今,由于私家车是成功、理想生活和社会地位的标志,许多有驾照的商人都认为拥有一辆豪华车和追求高品质生活是紧密相连的。
7.Before the lecture, the man of great wisdom put forward such an abstract concept that every one kept silent digesting the meaning but it might take a long time for them to truly master it. 在讲座前,那个充满智慧的人提出了一个很抽象的概念以至于每个人都安静地思考消化其含义,但是可能要很久他们才能真正掌握。
8.The deaf twins looked alike and yet unlike the elder brother who had a good command of repairing the vehicles, the younger brother liked painting the pictures, which looked like photos. 那对聋哑双胞胎看起来很像,然而,不像哥哥擅长修汽车,弟弟喜欢画画,画出来的画像照片。
9.In some children who go blind, certain parts of the brain that normally control vision appear to switch jobs and focus instead on sound, a new study has found. 新的研究已经发现,盲童的大脑里,一些本应该控制视觉的部分似乎转而控制声音。
10.At the moment, the bright child from an ill-respected school can show certificates to prove he or she is suitable for a job, while the lack of certificate indicates the unsuitability of a dull child attending a well-respected school. 到那个时候,非名校毕业的聪明孩子用各类证书证明他或她适合某个工作,而没有证书就意味着不聪明的孩子不适合读名校。
11.This defense of excellence and opportunity would disappear if examinations were taken away, and the bright child from a poor family would be a prisoner of his or her school’s reputation, unable to compete for employment with the child from the favored school. 如果考试被取消,对优秀和机遇的保护就会消失,来自于贫困家庭的孩子将会因为学校的声誉而受累,不能与名校的孩子竞争就业机会。
12.To be frank, even though the central government collapsed, these civilians would preserve in fighting to the end because they couldn’t endure being oppressed and motherland’s being conquered. 坦率地说,即使中央政府垮台了,这些平民也会抗争到底,因为他们不能忍受被压迫、祖国被占领。
13.A confusing circumstance called “shifting of responsibility” is defined as the fact that the more people there are, the less likely help is to be given because each individual excuses himself by thinking someone else will help. 一个令人困惑的现象叫做“责任转移”,定义为围观人越多,可能给予的帮助越少,因为每个人都为自己开脱,觉得别人会帮助。
14.Poisonous liquid can cause the symptom such as flu and muscle ache so it is essential to put unique identification label on them according to the directions. 有毒液体能引起诸如流感、肌肉酸痛的症状,因此,有必要按照说明给它们贴上独特的识别标签。
15.The earnest customs officer took it for granted that he possessed the right to have a routine check of everyone’s luggage but he had no idea he had offended the leader. 那个认真的海关官员理所应当地认为:按常规,他有权例行检查所有人的行李,但是他不知道已经冒犯了领导。
16.Some manufacturers, thirsty for more illegal profits, offer the fake goods, which in turn will spoil their most precious wealth——the trust for the brand and leave themselves stranded in trouble. 一些企图获取更多非法利润的制造商供应假货,结果会毁了他们最珍贵的财富——品牌信誉,让自己陷入困境。
17.Once the consequence of the negotiation conducted by the diplomats is disappointing, on most occasions, it seems inevitable for the governments to adopt the most extreme and frightening measure——war at all costs. 一旦外交官协商的结果令人失望,在大多数情况下,政府似乎不可避免地会采取最极端恐怖的手段——不惜一切地发动战争。
18.Although some parts of the surface were illegible, the elaborate masterpiece in the exhibition absolutely illustrated a magnificent vivid scene in which our ancestors went hunting and resisted the wild beast.尽管部分表面已变得不能辨认,展会上,这幅精美绝伦的绘画杰作展示了一幅栩栩如生的祖先打猎、与野兽抵抗的场景。
19.During the Spring Festival, he designed a flexible schedule where he combined the study with entertainment so that he could accomplish the academic task as well as enjoy a series of annual concerts. 春节期间,他设计一个灵活的时间表,把学习和娱乐结合起来,那么他既能完成学术任务,也能享受一系列每年一次的音乐会。
20.To celebrate the 60th anniversary of motherland, enthusiastic people gathered at the square, applauding and cheering, and sent sincere wish to motherland that China would reach a new level in every aspect after they appreciated the magnificent military parade. 为了庆祝祖国60周年,热情的人们聚集在广场欣赏完壮观的阅兵礼后,鼓掌欢呼,送出最真挚的祝福,愿中国在每个方面都创新高。

1.Many overseas guests are jealous of the host’s traditional Chinese decorations which are assessed at one million yuan but they are prohibited from touching anything for the sake of safety. 许多海外客人都嫉妒主人家传统的中式装修,据估计大约植一百万人民币,但是出于安全,他们被严禁接触任何东西。
2.The economic committee gave a brief but accurate description of the stable and constant increase of GDP so the public is convinced that the government is conveying the signal that the weak economy has recovered. 经济委员会简短但准确地阐述了国民生产总值稳定快速增长,因此,公众相信政府正在发出疲软的经济已经复苏的信号。
3.The senior official leaked that as a close partner, they committed themselves to taking concrete measures such as absorbing more labour force and eliminating some out-of-date products for the purpose of proceeding to exploit the potential market. 高级官员透露:作为亲密合伙人,他们承诺将采取具体措施例如吸收劳动力,淘汰一些过时的产品,为的是进一步挖掘潜在市场。
4.The embarrassed computer talent felt guilty of sending a threatening mail to the security department simply for fun as the police were appointed to search every vacant seat in the airport and plenty of flights were canceled. 由于警方受命在机场搜索每个空位,很多航班被取消,哪个尴尬的电脑天才十分内疚,自己仅仅为了好玩寄了一封恐吓信给保安部。
5.In principle, the installed software is assumed to make the accounting system more efficient but the reality is that all of us are discouraged from learning by heart so much complicated operating procedure. 理论上,所安装的软件是希望用来让系统更有效率,但事实是我们所有的人都十分受挫,因为要背熟那么多复杂的操作流程。
6.Nowadays, now that the private cars are the symbol of success, ideal life and social position, many businessmen with the driving license hold the belief that owning a luxurious car is closely linked with pursuing a high-quality life. 当今,由于私家车是成功、理想生活和社会地位的标志,许多有驾照的商人都认为拥有一辆豪华车和追求高品质生活是紧密相连的。
7.Before the lecture, the man of great wisdom put forward such an abstract concept that every one kept silent digesting the meaning but it might take a long time for them to truly master it. 在讲座前,那个充满智慧的人提出了一个很抽象的概念以至于每个人都安静地思考消化其含义,但是可能要很久他们才能真正掌握。
8.The deaf twins looked alike and yet unlike the elder brother who had a good command of repairing the vehicles, the younger brother liked painting the pictures, which looked like photos. 那对聋哑双胞胎看起来很像,然而,不像哥哥擅长修汽车,弟弟喜欢画画,画出来的画像照片。
9.In some children who go blind, certain parts of the brain that normally control vision appear to switch jobs and focus instead on sound, a new study has found. 新的研究已经发现,盲童的大脑里,一些本应该控制视觉的部分似乎转而控制声音。
10.At the moment, the bright child from an ill-respected school can show certificates to prove he or she is suitable for a job, while the lack of certificate indicates the unsuitability of a dull child attending a well-respected school. 到那个时候,非名校毕业的聪明孩子用各类证书证明他或她适合某个工作,而没有证书就意味着不聪明的孩子不适合读名校。
11.This defense of excellence and opportunity would disappear if examinations were taken away, and the bright child from a poor family would be a prisoner of his or her school’s reputation, unable to compete for employment with the child from the favored school. 如果考试被取消,对优秀和机遇的保护就会消失,来自于贫困家庭的孩子将会因为学校的声誉而受累,不能与名校的孩子竞争就业机会。
12.To be frank, even though the central government collapsed, these civilians would preserve in fighting to the end because they couldn’t endure being oppressed and motherland’s being conquered. 坦率地说,即使中央政府垮台了,这些平民也会抗争到底,因为他们不能忍受被压迫、祖国被占领。
13.A confusing circumstance called “shifting of responsibility” is defined as the fact that the more people there are, the less likely help is to be given because each individual excuses himself by thinking someone else will help. 一个令人困惑的现象叫做“责任转移”,定义为围观人越多,可能给予的帮助越少,因为每个人都为自己开脱,觉得别人会帮助。
14.Poisonous liquid can cause the symptom such as flu and muscle ache so it is essential to put unique identification label on them according to the directions. 有毒液体能引起诸如流感、肌肉酸痛的症状,因此,有必要按照说明给它们贴上独特的识别标签。
15.The earnest customs officer took it for granted that he possessed the right to have a routine check of everyone’s luggage but he had no idea he had offended the leader. 那个认真的海关官员理所应当地认为:按常规,他有权例行检查所有人的行李,但是他不知道已经冒犯了领导。
16.Some manufacturers, thirsty for more illegal profits, offer the fake goods, which in turn will spoil their most precious wealth——the trust for the brand and leave themselves stranded in trouble. 一些企图获取更多非法利润的制造商供应假货,结果会毁了他们最珍贵的财富——品牌信誉,让自己陷入困境。
17.Once the consequence of the negotiation conducted by the diplomats is disappointing, on most occasions, it seems inevitable for the governments to adopt the most extreme and frightening measure——war at all costs. 一旦外交官协商的结果令人失望,在大多数情况下,政府似乎不可避免地会采取最极端恐怖的手段——不惜一切地发动战争。
18.Although some parts of the surface were illegible, the elaborate masterpiece in the exhibition absolutely illustrated a magnificent vivid scene in which our ancestors went hunting and resisted the wild beast.尽管部分表面已变得不能辨认,展会上,这幅精美绝伦的绘画杰作展示了一幅栩栩如生的祖先打猎、与野兽抵抗的场景。
19.During the Spring Festival, he designed a flexible schedule where he combined the study with entertainment so that he could accomplish the academic task as well as enjoy a series of annual concerts. 春节期间,他设计一个灵活的时间表,把学习和娱乐结合起来,那么他既能完成学术任务,也能享受一系列每年一次的音乐会。
20.To celebrate the 60th anniversary of motherland, enthusiastic people gathered at the square, applauding and cheering, and sent sincere wish to motherland that China would reach a new level in every aspect after they appreciated the magnificent military parade. 为了庆祝祖国60周年,热情的人们聚集在广场欣赏完壮观的阅兵礼后,鼓掌欢呼,送出最真挚的祝福,愿中国在每个方面都创新高。