1.Crown to toe 从头到脚
2.Claim kin 认亲
3.Win one’s round 讨得欢心
4.Make a match 做媒
5.be worth your weight in gold 身价如金
6.In a private tone 小声说,悄悄话
7.I like you all the better. 我更加喜欢你了。
8.when their lints begin to get greased 当他们刚有兴致时
9.Out of the frying-pan into the fire 一出煎锅,就掉进了火里
10.follow suit 随大流
11.pay to the uttermost farthing 把帐算清
12.He seemed to be her double. 他似乎和她想得一模一样。
13.in the name of our love 看在爱情的名义上
14.Behold, when thy face is made bare, he that loved thee shall hate; 看吧,你的脸一暴露出来,爱你的他就要恨你
15.Thy face shall be no more fair at the fall of thy fate. 在你倒霉的时候,你的脸也不再美丽。
16.For thy life shall fall as a leaf and be shed as the rain; 你的生活就像秋叶飘零,像天上的落雨;
17.And the veil of thine head shall be grief, and the crown shall be pain. 你头上的面纱就是悲伤,花冠就成了痛苦。
18.Tess was no insignificant creature to toy with and dismiss; but a woman living her precious life - a life which, to herself who endured or enjoyed it, possessed as great a dimension as the life of the mightiest to himself. 苔丝不是一个无足轻重的人,不是随意玩弄以后就可以把她丢开的;而是一个过着宝贵生活的妇女——这种生活对她来说无论是受苦还是享受,也像最伟大人物的生活一样重要。
19.Upon her sensations the whole world depended to Tess; through her existence all her fellow-creatures existed, to her. 对于苔丝来说,整个世界的存在全凭她的感觉,所有生物的存在也全凭她的存在。
20.The universe itself only came into being for Tess on the particular day in the particular year in which she was born. 对于苔丝,宇宙本身的诞生,就是在她降生的某一年中的某一天里诞生的。

1.Crown to toe 从头到脚
2.Claim kin 认亲
3.Win one’s round 讨得欢心
4.Make a match 做媒
5.be worth your weight in gold 身价如金
6.In a private tone 小声说,悄悄话
7.I like you all the better. 我更加喜欢你了。
8.when their lints begin to get greased 当他们刚有兴致时
9.Out of the frying-pan into the fire 一出煎锅,就掉进了火里
10.follow suit 随大流
11.pay to the uttermost farthing 把帐算清
12.He seemed to be her double. 他似乎和她想得一模一样。
13.in the name of our love 看在爱情的名义上
14.Behold, when thy face is made bare, he that loved thee shall hate; 看吧,你的脸一暴露出来,爱你的他就要恨你
15.Thy face shall be no more fair at the fall of thy fate. 在你倒霉的时候,你的脸也不再美丽。
16.For thy life shall fall as a leaf and be shed as the rain; 你的生活就像秋叶飘零,像天上的落雨;
17.And the veil of thine head shall be grief, and the crown shall be pain. 你头上的面纱就是悲伤,花冠就成了痛苦。
18.Tess was no insignificant creature to toy with and dismiss; but a woman living her precious life - a life which, to herself who endured or enjoyed it, possessed as great a dimension as the life of the mightiest to himself. 苔丝不是一个无足轻重的人,不是随意玩弄以后就可以把她丢开的;而是一个过着宝贵生活的妇女——这种生活对她来说无论是受苦还是享受,也像最伟大人物的生活一样重要。
19.Upon her sensations the whole world depended to Tess; through her existence all her fellow-creatures existed, to her. 对于苔丝来说,整个世界的存在全凭她的感觉,所有生物的存在也全凭她的存在。
20.The universe itself only came into being for Tess on the particular day in the particular year in which she was born. 对于苔丝,宇宙本身的诞生,就是在她降生的某一年中的某一天里诞生的。