1.Very few things that are worthwhile in life come without a cost. 生命中很少有不需要付出代价,而值得去做的事
2.The world is said and very complicated. I wish it wasn’t. 这世界又悲哀又复杂,真希望不是这样的
3.You always expect the worst in people. Because that’s all you see in yourself. 你总是把人往最坏的地方想,因为你只看到这样的自己
4.When something bad happens, we have to remember we’re not defined by any one thing. 当不理想的事发生时,我们要记住,任何事都不能给我们打下烙印
5.We all get smacked around. We got to learn to take the hits, lick our wounds, and move on. 我们都会受挫,我们要学会吸取教训,舔舐伤疤,继续前进
6.Why would anyone want to feel afraid? Because the thought of ending up alone is scarier. 为什么会有人想感受恐惧?因为想到孤独终老更恐怖
7.At some point in your career, you’re going to kill someone. And I hope for your sake there’s a doctor out there who still believes in you when you do. 有可能你的职业生涯的某个时候,你会误杀掉某个人,我希望如果不幸发生,也还有一位与你同行,不离不弃的医生
8.A thoroughly unrequited crush that slowly turned into a grudge. 那样不求回报的心动,却慢慢变成了怨恨
9.There’s not the people who got me here, it was the people ti didn’t expect… 他们不是支撑我走到现在的人,而是那些我从未期待过的人。
10.the ex-Marine at the shelter who got me my first job, and this crazy artist girl who convinced me to go after what I really wanted.收容所的前海军队员给了我第一份工作,然后一个疯狂的艺术家女孩,说服我追求自己想要的生活。
11.When you think you’re alone, you’re not. 当你觉得自己孤单不已,其实不是的
12.Meeting you saved me. 你的出现拯救了我
13.Religious people aren’t immune to hypocrisy. 虔诚的人对伪善没有免疫力
14.People in the right minds never take pride in their talents. 心智正常的人从不会恃才而傲
15.The only thing that don’t abide by majority rule is a person’s conscience. 有一种东西不能遵循从重原则,那就是人的良知
16.It’d be a shame to see a life time of work go to waste. 一生辛苦如果是一场空忙,实在是可惜
17.Never hate your enemies, it affects your judgement. 永远不要恨你的敌人,这会影响你的判断力
18.Do you know that the harder thing to do and the right thing are usually the same thing? Nothing that meaning is easy. 你知不知道,难做的事和应该做的事,往往是同一件事,凡是有意义的事都不会容易
19.My wasted heart will love you. 我荒废的心会一直爱你
20.We should never forget anyone that we’ve loved. 我们不该忘记爱过的每一个人

1.Very few things that are worthwhile in life come without a cost. 生命中很少有不需要付出代价,而值得去做的事
2.The world is said and very complicated. I wish it wasn’t. 这世界又悲哀又复杂,真希望不是这样的
3.You always expect the worst in people. Because that’s all you see in yourself. 你总是把人往最坏的地方想,因为你只看到这样的自己
4.When something bad happens, we have to remember we’re not defined by any one thing. 当不理想的事发生时,我们要记住,任何事都不能给我们打下烙印
5.We all get smacked around. We got to learn to take the hits, lick our wounds, and move on. 我们都会受挫,我们要学会吸取教训,舔舐伤疤,继续前进
6.Why would anyone want to feel afraid? Because the thought of ending up alone is scarier. 为什么会有人想感受恐惧?因为想到孤独终老更恐怖
7.At some point in your career, you’re going to kill someone. And I hope for your sake there’s a doctor out there who still believes in you when you do. 有可能你的职业生涯的某个时候,你会误杀掉某个人,我希望如果不幸发生,也还有一位与你同行,不离不弃的医生
8.A thoroughly unrequited crush that slowly turned into a grudge. 那样不求回报的心动,却慢慢变成了怨恨
9.There’s not the people who got me here, it was the people ti didn’t expect… 他们不是支撑我走到现在的人,而是那些我从未期待过的人。
10.the ex-Marine at the shelter who got me my first job, and this crazy artist girl who convinced me to go after what I really wanted.收容所的前海军队员给了我第一份工作,然后一个疯狂的艺术家女孩,说服我追求自己想要的生活。
11.When you think you’re alone, you’re not. 当你觉得自己孤单不已,其实不是的
12.Meeting you saved me. 你的出现拯救了我
13.Religious people aren’t immune to hypocrisy. 虔诚的人对伪善没有免疫力
14.People in the right minds never take pride in their talents. 心智正常的人从不会恃才而傲
15.The only thing that don’t abide by majority rule is a person’s conscience. 有一种东西不能遵循从重原则,那就是人的良知
16.It’d be a shame to see a life time of work go to waste. 一生辛苦如果是一场空忙,实在是可惜
17.Never hate your enemies, it affects your judgement. 永远不要恨你的敌人,这会影响你的判断力
18.Do you know that the harder thing to do and the right thing are usually the same thing? Nothing that meaning is easy. 你知不知道,难做的事和应该做的事,往往是同一件事,凡是有意义的事都不会容易
19.My wasted heart will love you. 我荒废的心会一直爱你
20.We should never forget anyone that we’ve loved. 我们不该忘记爱过的每一个人