教程:英语微信精选  浏览:194  
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    1.The spectator's name will never crawl on the score board.旁观者的姓名永远爬不到比赛的计分板上。

    2.Backer mountain would pour, water will flow, never fall on their own.靠山山会倒,靠水水会流,靠自己永远不倒。

    3.Frustration is in fact the success of the payment of tuition fees.挫折其实就是迈向成功所应缴的学费。

    4.The structure of "man" is to support each other, and the cause of "the public" needs everyone's participation.“人”的结构就是相互支撑,“众”人的事业需要每个人的参与。

    5.The establishment of the cause of life, not to know, but can do.人生伟业的建立,不在能知,乃在能行。

    6.Internet business has created rich, and the continuation of equality.网络事业创造了富裕,又延续了平等。

    7.Even climb to the top of the mountain, one step at a time only to step on the ground.即使爬到最高的山上,一次也只实地地迈一步。

    8.No matter how outstanding talent, knowledge, if the lack of enthusiasm, the same paper feed on illusions, of no help.无论才能、知识多么卓着,如果缺乏热情,则无异纸上画饼充饥,无补于事。

    9.The poor do not necessarily think change should be thought rich change.穷不一定思变,应该是思富思变。   

    10.The world is not used to encourage the efforts of the reward, all the reward is only used to reward the results of the work.世上并没有用来鼓励工作努力的赏赐,所有的赏赐都只是被用来奖励工作成果的。   

    11.Success requires cost, time is also a kind of cost, the value of time is the cost of saving.成功需要成本,时间也是一种成本,对时间的珍惜就是对成本的节约。   

    12.Take the road out of export said good words, good deeds hand.出门走好路,出口说好话,出手做好事。

    13.No one is rich enough to be able to help others, and no one is too poor to give them a hand.没有人富有得可以不要别人的帮助,也没有人穷得不能在某方面给他人帮助。

    14.Endure other people can not endure the pain, others can not eat the bitter, it is in order to reap the harvest.忍别人所不能忍的痛,吃别人所别人所不能吃的苦,是为了收获得不到的收获。

    15.Don't wait for opportunities, but to create opportunities.不要等待机会,而要创造机会。

    16.No hope, hard work bentou.苦想没盼头,苦干有奔头。

    17.They beat their own far more than others.自己打败自己的远远多于比别人打败的。

    18.Your face is to present the most precious gift God has given to man to work for you.你的脸是为了呈现上帝赐给人类最贵重的礼物为你工作最大的资产。   

    19.It only has real meaning for those who are climbing it rather than looking at it.高峰只对攀登它而不是仰望它的人来说才有真正意义。

    20.If you wish to succeed, you should use persistence as your good friend, experience as chief of staff, to care for the brother and hope as your sentry.如果你希望成功,以恒心为良友,以经验为参谋,以小心为兄弟,以希望为哨兵。
      上一篇:双语微信说说:与其临渊羡鱼,不如退而结网 下一篇:双语微信说说:一滴蜂蜜比一加仑胆汁能够捕到更多的苍蝇


