教程:英语微信精选  浏览:118  
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    1.The swift and indifferent placidity of that look troubled me. 那一扫而过的冷漠沉静的目光使我深感不安。

    2.If he should break his day, what should I gain by the exaction of the forfeiture? 如果他到期不还我从这罚金中又能得到什么好处?

    3.Grey wispy hair straggled down to her shoulders. 稀疏的灰白头发披散在她肩头。

    4.He was a round old man with a guttural, polyglot accent. 他是一位肥胖的老人,讲话时带有多种语言混合的多喉音的声调。

    5.She would rather perjure herself than admit to her sins. 她宁愿在法庭上撒谎也不愿承认她的罪行。

    6.I execrate people who deceive and tell lies. 我憎恶那些欺骗和说谎的人。

    7.Exasperated, he leaped the stream, and strode towards beech clump. 他满腔恼怒,跳过小河,踏步向毛榉林子走去。

    8.Brazil's democratic constitution gives the army vague tutelary powers. 巴西民主宪法赋予军方含糊不清的监护权。

    9.Sri Lanka is a protean and wonderful paradise. 斯里兰卡是一个千变万化和精彩万分的人间天堂。

    10.He is a protean stylist who can move from blues to ballads and grand symphony. 他风格多变,从布鲁斯、乡村音乐到雄壮的交响乐都能驾驭。

    11.Enclosed is our contract No. 345 in duplicate, of which please return us one copy, duly countersign. 随函附上我方第345号合同一式两分,请会签并回寄一份。

    12.The United States was vulnerable to shortages of chrome, bauxite and platinum. 美国的弱点是缺少铬、矾土和铂。

    13.He crawled up a small hummock and surveyed the prospect. 他慢腾腾地登上一个小丘,看了看周围的地形。

    14.Local people demanded that the District Magistrate apprehend the miscreants. 当地人要求地方法官逮捕那些歹徒。

    15.He dazzled the crowd with his oratory. 他的雄辩口才使听众赞叹不已。

    16.Bestowing favor on a dubious sycophant often leads to the downfall of dynasties. 宠用奸佞是历代王朝亡国的重要原因。

    17.The friable china survived the bumpy journey safe and sound. 那批易碎的瓷器经过颠簸的旅途仍完好无损。

    18.The future policy of piscatorial development will be charted at the conference. 在这次会议上将制定今后渔业发展的政策。

    19.The tenants of the demesne enjoyed certain privileges. 领地的占有者享有一定的特权。

    20.Their cardboard boxes were wrapped and tied neatly with waxed twine. 他们的纸板盒用蜡线扎得整整齐齐。
      上一篇:双语微信说说:别人老是给他讲些倒霉事儿来逗他开心 下一篇:双语微信说说:他变得越来越任性,越来越歇斯底里


