教程:英语微信精选  浏览:143  
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    1.Always let your conscience be your guide. 永远凭着良心做事。

    2.Nothing can help us endure dark times better than our faith. 没什么比信仰更能支撑我们度过艰难时光了。

    3.Money is not life's report card. 金钱不能用来衡量人生精彩与否。

    4.The answer must be in the attempt. 你所追寻的答案一定会在努力探索中展现。

    5.We all have our moments of brilliance and glory. 我们都有属于自己的高光时刻。

    6.After all, tomorrow is another day. 不管怎么说,明天又是新的一天。

    7.Hard work, determination and perseverance always win out. 努力,决心,坚持就是成功的三个秘诀。

    8.Treat your inferiors as you would be treated by your betters. 你希望比你优势的人如何对待你,就如此对待比你劣势的人。

    9.Contentment is natural wealth, luxury is artificial poverty. 知足是天赋的财富,奢侈是人为的贫穷。

    10.And the more we try to understand one another, the more exceptional each of us will be. 我们越是努力理解他人,自身也越发变得优秀。

    11.Every detail of life is so delightful. 生活的每个细节都会来喜悦。

    12.Some people choose to see the ugliness in this world. The disarray. I choose to see the beauty. 一些人选择去看见这个世界的丑陋,混乱,我选择去发现美好。

    13.A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous. 每个女孩都该做到两点:有品位并光芒四射。

    14.It may not be pretty, but we headed to the city. 其貌虽不扬,扬帆亦远航。

    15.The journey's what brings us happiness, not the destination. 让人们感到幸福的不是终点,而是过程。

    16.To follow, without halt, one aim: that's the secret of success. 不停地走向一个目标,这就是成功的秘诀。

    17.The greatest danger is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it. 最大的危险不是目标过高而错失,而是目标过低得以实现。

    18.Integrity is choosing courage over comfort; choosing what is right over what is fun, fast, or easy; and choosing to practice our values rather than simply professing them. 正直就是选择勇气,而非安逸;选择正确的事,而非妙趣横生、轻松快捷的事;选择践行个人的价值观,而不是说说而已。

    19.Inspiration usually comes during work rather than before it. 灵感通常来源于工作之中,而不是什么都没做之前。

    20.The size of your dreams must always exceed your current capacity to achieve them. 你的梦想应该总是比当前的能力要大。
      上一篇:双语微信说说:遇到可爱的人,就觉得生活不艰难了 下一篇:双语微信说说:机遇不会自己找上门来,它只会在你开门时出现


