教程:英语微信精选  浏览:156  
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    1.living in the sun is scattered, and death belongs to the government. The sun is just like a place in the sun.生在阳间有散场,死归地府又何妨。阳间地府俱相似,只当飘流在异乡。

    2.if one day you wish to win the king's presence, don't forget to give me a red silk.假若有朝一日你如愿以偿君临天下,莫要忘了赐我一丈红绫了无牵挂。

    3.your every sentence is like a slap in the face, pumping my hard pain.你的每句话都像一记耳光,抽的我硬生生的疼。

    4.when we are ignorant, there will always be such a person who lets us be cheap for him for many years.在我们懵懂的时候,总会有这么个人,让我们为他犯贱很多年。

    5.in the morning and evening, the clouds and rain decide how to spend the day.朝朝暮,云雨定何如,花日穿窗梅小小,雪风洒雨柳疏疏,人唱晚晴初。

    6.the heavenly way, the heavenly way, the sky is out of the way, I wait for war.天道,天道,天以失道,我等战天。

    7.sighing is the most time wasting thing. Crying is the most wasteful act.叹气是最浪费时间 的事情,哭泣是最浪费力气的行径。

    8.the weak must wait for opportunities, the strong must create opportunities, and wise men must seize opportunities.弱者要等待机会,强者要制造机会,智者要把握机会。

    9.if the whole world betrays, I will stand behind me and betray the whole world.如果全世界背叛了?,我会站在?身后、背叛全世界。

    10.do not belong to me, I do not, not really give me things, I do not want.不属于我的东西,我不要,不是真心给我的东西,我也不要。

    11."no access rights" as if I would like to see your space. “无访问权限”好像我乐意看你空间似的。

    12.cosmetics for women, is confidence; for men, is an illusion.化妆品对女人而言,是信心;对男人而言,是幻觉。

    13.let him be clear and muddy.任他凡事清浊,为你一笑间轮回甘堕。

    14.now I still love you, do not want you, this is my own business, and nothing to do with you.现在我还爱不爱你,想不想你,这都是我自己的事,跟你无关。

    15.dream like eternal life and live like tomorrow.象有永生一样梦想 ,象明天就会死去一样生活 。

    16.It's the bitter season of wearing too much heat and too little cold, with cold hands and feet every day and no one warm yet.又到了这个穿多了热,穿少了冷,每天手脚冰凉,还没人暖的苦逼季节了。

    17.drunkenness of flowers, asking where to dream, at the peak of the rotation, so often born, twisting temporarily.醉酒惜花音,欲问梦何处,身在峰转处,洽如此生,扭转暂不停焉。

    18.we are going to be a local tyrant soon. It's still time to make friends with me now.马上要做土豪了,现在要跟我做朋友 的还来得及!

    19.this is my temper. 我这人就是这脾气。

    20.As long as others ignore me, I will not be bold enough to disturb.只要别人不理我的,我不会再硬着脸皮去打扰。
      上一篇:双语微信说说:不满是个人或民族迈向进步的第一步 下一篇:双语微信说说:你若对我沉默,我也只好对你冷漠


