教程:英语微信精选  浏览:418  
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    1.If by life, you were deceived. 假如生活欺骗了你。

    2.I like you,because you are you. 我爱你,因为你就是你。

    3.For you are the one. 因你就是那一个。

    4.The old dream comes again to me. 我的旧梦重圆。

    5.Don't stand at my grave and weep,I'm not there,I do not sleep. 请不要站在我的坟前哭泣,我不在那里,我不会睡去。

    6.Your eyes were just like the ocean that I had never seen. 你的眼是我从未见过的海。

    7.Prefer to pursue the emptiness,also cannot have no pursuit. 宁可去追求虚无,也不能无所追求。

    8.I gotta keep my head held high. 我要继续抬头挺胸,阔步前行.

    9.If I do it hard maybe I can play it right. 如果我足够努力那就一定能做好.

    10.My life is like a movie,I'm live it like a movie,staring like a movie. 我的生活就像电影,我活的就像电影,本色出演的电影.

    11.Right body,right mind. 身材和大脑同样性感.

    12.I don't want to plant trees or enjoy the cool. 不想种树,也不想乘凉。

    13.Do not pick up whose flower, also do not accompany who grow up. 不接谁的花,也不陪谁长大。

    14.Love everything in the world, no love, no exception. 热爱世间万物,无最爱,无例外。

    15.There is no other in my heart, only like myself. 无心中风月,独钟自己。

    16.Sorry, I can't care about myself, let alone others. 抱歉啊,我自己都顾不上,更何况别人。

    17.Buy your own flowers and grow up. 自己买花,自己长大。

    18.Plant your own flowers and love your universe. 种自己的花,爱自己的宇宙。

    19.No pain No gain一分耕耘一分收获

    20.Do what you say, say what you do 做你说过的,说你能做的
      上一篇:双语微信说说:善待自己 下一篇:双语微信说说:愿玫瑰伴随你最终选择的归属


