Dear Mr. Cruise,
I am extremely sorry to tell you that, as you pointed out, a mistake has been made on the invoice NO. 7561852. I do apologize for any inconvenience it may cause.
非常抱歉告诉您,正如您指出的,编号为7561852 的发票上出了错,我们为此可能给您带来的不便向您道歉。
We have remedied the situation by issuing a new invoice (NO. 7561825) to revise the sum and are sending it by express delivery today.
我们已经纠正此次错误,重开了一张发票(编号为 7561825),修改了金额,今天会用快递将发票寄出。
We have taken measures to ensure that such an error does not happen again.
Sincerely yours,
XC Co.
XC 公司 谨上