and so they need to make sure they don't get complacent
因此 他们更需要谨慎谦逊
because the way they'll lose some day is when someone quietly comes up behind them
and does something that is now better.
Over the course of more than three decades,
some might argue that Apple has travelled far from its origins,
as a bunch of Californians railing against IBM to become, itself, an all-powerful Big Brother.
从一群声讨IBM的加利福尼亚嬉皮士 成为了一个叱咤风云的老大哥
But it is a more complicated and interesting story.
但事实上 这件事并不这么简单
If Steve Jobs had just been a rebel, he wouldn't have got far,
如果史蒂夫·乔布斯只是一个单纯的叛逆者 他绝不会有如此成就
but it's because he always had that inner-hippy
that Apple became so much more than just another computer company.
There was one aspect of Steve Jobs' battle with cancer he hadn't revealed.
He'd delayed having surgery for nine months after he was diagnosed.
那就是 他将手术推迟到了他确诊后的九个月
Instead he'd tried alternative remedies
期间 他尝试了一些非传统疗法
and a strict vegan diet, against the advice of those closest to him.
并且不顾亲友的反对 成为了一个素食者
And the cancer had spread.
He was the kind of person that could convince himself of things
that weren't necessarily true, and that always worked with him for designing products,
where he could go to people and ask them to do something that they thought was impossible.
And I think he truly thought that,
我感觉 他好像真的以为
through some unconventional means, he could cure himself.
A Californian suburb.
This was Steve Jobs' house after his death at the age of 56.
Home to no ordinary CEO, billionaire or hippie.
这里曾住着一位传奇的CEO 亿万富翁和嬉皮士
Buckets of rain, buckets of tears
大雨倾盆 泪水如注
Got all them buckets coming out of my ears
Buckets of moonbeams in my hand...
He wasn't an inventor, he wasn't a code writer,
他不是一个发明家 他不是一个程序员
he wasn't a designer, he wasn't a businessman really.
他不是一个设计师 他其实也不是一个真正的商人
I mean the word people use is visionary.
人们提到他时 经常会用到远见家这个词
If you break it down in the sense of he saw things,
你仔细想想 他的眼光是多么独到
in that sense he was a visionary. He just saw things.
他的确是一个远见家 他就是有这种天赋
As near as I can tell, Steve Jobs never left his counter-cultural frame of reference,
至少在我看来 乔布斯从未跳出他那种反主流文化的思想体系
and so his way of staying forever young was to stay forever hippy.
Stay hungry, stay foolish. Thank you all very much.
求知若饥 虚心若愚 感谢大家