CNN News:马航失联客机印度洋搜索工作困难重重
教程:2014年04月CNN新闻听力   浏览:751  
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    Forecast. Relatively quiet with the chance ofhurricanes-that report leads of CNN STUDENTNEWS. Fridays are awesome. Here's the deal.Forecasters from Colorado State University arelooking at conditions for the 2014 Atlantic hurricaneseason. It officially runs from June 1st throughNovember 30th. Though hurricanes can form at anytime. This year, meteorologists expect things to berelatively calm with nine possible tropical storms and three likely hurricanes. On average, thereare 12 tropical storms and seven hurricanes. One reason for a calm forecast is El Nino. It's anatural climate pattern that means warmer water in parts of the Pacific that can have a calmingeffect on Atlantic weather. But forecasts are far from an exact science. In 2012, there werealmost twice as many storms than experts expected. Last year, there were two hurricaneswhen nine were expected.

    我们关注的是做出的预测。飓风的活跃度相对低调,今天的CNN学生 新闻将会重点关注这则报道。星期五真是太棒了。接下来兑现刚才的承诺。科罗拉多州立大学正在预测2014年的大西洋飓风季。它通常会在6月1日至11月 30日这段时间内到来。尽管飓风在任何时候都可以形成。而气象学家预计今年可能的9场热带风暴及3场飓风的活跃度相对低调。平均会有12场热带风暴和7场 飓风。这一活跃度预测相对低调的原因之一是厄尔尼诺现象。自然气候模式厄尔尼诺是在太平洋地区一股对大西洋天气能起到平静作用的暖流。但预测并非一门精确 的科学。2012年,有2倍于专家预想的风暴来袭。而在去年,专家预测9场飓风后,仍然有2场没预测到。

    Satellites, planes, ships and sonobuoys like the one you see in this YouTube clip drop fromabove diving into the ocean listening for anything that could be a signal from a Malaysia Airlinespassenger plane. It vanished more than a month ago. No trace of the plane has beenrecovered. Signals have been heard beneath the Indian Ocean waves by several differentlistening devices on several different occasions. But to understand why it's so hard topinpoint the plane's possible whereabouts, you have to go deep.

    就 像你在这段YouTube视频中看到的,卫星、飞机、船舶和声纳浮标潜入海洋深处监听任何可能由马来西亚航空公司失联客机发出的信号。这架飞机已经消失一 个多月。目前没有发现任何关于它的踪迹。而在印度洋下听到了由不同的监听设备在不同场合传回的信号。但要弄明白找到这架飞机的下落为什么困难重重,你必须 亲身实地经历一番历险。

    Plunging to nearly 15,000 feet below sea level is a journey into a mysterious abyss, a journeyfew humans can even comprehend. The Boeing 777 is about 200 feet wide, 242 feet long. Andpossibly, so deep under the Indian Ocean that you'd pass the Statue of Liberty, the Eifel Towerand the tallest building in the world in Dubai on the way down. And still be only a fraction ofthe way to where the plane wreckage might be resting. Keep plunging, and you've entered aplace sunlight can't reach. The pinger locator is being told well below that, 4600 feet below thesurface.

    几近低于海平面15000英尺下已经是一次前往神秘深渊的旅行,甚 至罕有人类可以理解其中的意义。波音777飞机大约200英尺宽,242英尺长。打个形象的比喻,在如此之深的印度洋,你就像是经过了自由女神像,艾菲尔 铁塔,还有位于迪拜世界最高的建筑。而这仅仅只是飞机一小部分残骸可能的落脚之地。继续下潜,你会来到一个连阳光都无法触及的地方。声波定位仪提醒着我们 下面是水深以下4600英尺。

    Marine biologist Paula Carlson says at these depths marine life is unlike anything most peoplehave ever seen.


    And then the deeper you go, you find less and less. They have to be very cold tolerant, theyhave to have-they might not even have eyes, they might be blind because they don't need tosee. There's no light down there.


    Keep going towards the ocean floor, and at 12,500 feet below sea level is where you'd find thewreckage of the Titanic. Which took some 70 years to discover and where it's still rests today.And if it were turned upside down at 14,400 feet is where you'd hit the iconic pick ofWashington State Mount Rainier.Only after all that, would you reach the spot where searchteams believe the pings from the flight data recorder are coming from. 148000 feet into theabyss.

    继续向海底进发,在海平面以下12500英尺,你会发现泰坦尼克号的残 骸。历时约70年后打捞搜索后发现的它现今仍在这里长眠。还有如果这座山是在海平面下14400英尺处上下颠倒,你现在已经登顶华盛顿州雷尼尔山的标志性 山峰了。只有经历过这一切后,你方能到达搜寻小组认为来自飞行数据记录器发出信号的地方。148000英尺处的深渊。

    If that doesn't capture the magnitude of this search, than imagine what one oceanographerdescribed for us. He says, picture yourself standing on top of one of the highest picks in theRocky Mountains looking all the way down and trying to find a suitcase. In the dark.


    The pressure at nearly 15000 feet is crushing, and very few manned submarines can evenwithstand it.



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