First up today, a tribute. Yesterday was the first anniversary of the terrorist attacks in the Boston Marathon. Three people died in the bombings, scores were injured, police say an officer was killed later by the bombing suspects. But the city soldiers on. From a moment of silence at the races finish line to sound of church bells ringing and the raising of the American flag. The ceremony embodied the slogan Boston Strong. Thousands of people gathered in the rain, from first responders and the vice president to runners and injured victims. One man who had shrapnel in his leg said that last year he was on the ground at the finish line, this year he'll be running across it.
今天我们首先关 注的是一场纪念活动。昨天是波士顿马拉松恐怖袭击的第一个周年纪念。这次事件造成3人死亡,数十人受伤,警方称一名军官后被爆炸案嫌疑人杀害。但这座城市 却变得坚强。从比赛终点教堂钟声的默哀到升起美国国旗。仪式表现的是波士顿坚强的口号。成千上万的人聚集在雨中,从应急部门人员到副总统再到运动员及伤 者。一位腿部上留有弹片的人表示去年他是爬到了终点线,而今年他会跑着再次跨越。
Is this legit? There's a vaccine for the Ebola virus? Not legit. There is no known cure or vaccine for Ebola. Avoiding close contact with Ebola patients is crucial.
One unique thing about Ebola is that unlike some other viruses, people don't tend to spread it, until they actually get sick with it. So, it's only when they are feverish that they are contagious. Once they are, it spreads very easily and kills more than half of those who get it. It's never infected humans in the U.S., but for scientists researching and trying to stop Ebola's spread in Guinea, taking extreme precautions is just part of the job.
埃博拉的一个独特之处在于它不像其他病毒, 直到患者真的生病才会传播。所以,只有出现发烧症状,病人才具有传染性。一旦出现上述症状,埃博拉会迅速传播而且可以杀死超过一半感染的人。在美国从来没 有被感染的人,但科学家们正在竭尽全力进行研究,试图阻止埃博拉病毒在几内亚的传播,采取极端措施只是工作的一部分。
A simple blue box, potentially carrying one of the most dangerous pathogens in the world on its way to be tested. In less than four hours we'll find out whether it contains the Ebola virus. The fate of three patients depends on what's inside. Simply getting the blood samples is a life threatening job. One of these workers told us, he has a nine-month old baby at home. They'll do everything they can to protect themselves. Three pairs of gloves, booties and layer after layer of gowns. They go in to see the patients. Every single inch of their body covered. Impermeable suits, nothing in, nothing out. You see, even a drop of the Ebola virus that gets through a break in your skin can infect you. And we all have breaks in our skin.
可能装着世界上最危险的病原体之一的一个再普通不过的蓝色小盒子正在送往 被检测的路上。我们只有不到4个小时的时间来找出它是否包含埃博拉病毒。3个病人的命运取决于小盒子里面所承载的。单单获得血液样本就是一种威胁生命的工 作。其中一位工作人员告诉我们,他家中有一个9个月大的婴儿。因此他们会尽所能来保护自己。戴3双手套, 层层的靴子和防护服加身。他们要去照看病人。身体的每一寸肌肤都要覆盖住。不透水套装,什么也进不去,什么也出不来。你看,连一滴的埃博拉病毒都可以通过 你的皮肤伤口感染你。而我们的皮肤上都有着伤口。
This is the painstaking detail in process you have to go through to be able to interact with these patients with Ebola. This is as close as we can get. They are decontaminating themselves, but they've taken the blood samples and put them in this blue ice chest over here and it's highly suspicious that contains Ebola.