表示一日三餐的名词包括breakfast, lunch, supper,原则上说它们是不可数的。如:
Breakfast is served until 9 a.m. 早餐一直供应到上午9点。
I usually have a sandwich for lunch. 我午饭时通常吃块三明治。
Could you set the table for supper? 你摆好桌子准备吃晚饭好吗?
如果要表示具体的“量”,可用some, much, a lot of等修饰。如:
She doesn’t eat much breakfast. 她早点吃得不多。
She always eats very little supper. 她晚饭总是吃得很少。
Take her some breakfast on a tray. 用托盘给她送些早餐。
但是,当它们受到描绘性形容词的修饰时,如果不是特指,则其前要用不定冠词,此时的a含有 a kind of 的意思。如:
We had a very late lunch. 我们很晚才吃午饭。
He takes a packed lunch to work every day. 他每天带(盒装)午饭上班。
After a quick breakfast, he hurried to the station. 匆匆忙忙吃完早餐,他就赶到车站去了。
We serve hot and cold lunches. 我处供应冷热午餐。