1. 表示“主题”“话题”“问题”“题目”等多种意思,阅读时应结合句子语境理解。如:
The subject is under discussion. 这个问题正在讨论。
Not enough is known about the subject. 对这问题了解得还不够。
Half of what he said was off the subject. 他一半的话都偏离了主题。
2. 表示“学科”“科目”,为可数名词。如:
All these are required subjects. 所有这些都是必修课。
History is my favourite subject at school. 历史是我在学校学得最好的学科。
注意英语中表示学科的名词(maths, English, Chinese, Japanese, German, physics, chemistry, biology, history, geography等)的用法(仅限于表示“学科”时的用法):
(1) 其中表示“语言”的English, Chinese, Japanese等的第一个字母必须大写,其余的可以大写第一个字母,也可以不大写第一个字母。均为不可数名词。如:
She got 80 marks out of 100 for geography. 她的地理得了80分。
Chemistry was her favourite subject at school. 她上学时最喜欢化学。
(2) 在通常情况下,不与物主代词连用。如:
误:Who teaches your English (maths, Chinese, physics, chemistry, history)?
正:Who teaches you English (maths, Chinese, physics, chemistry, history)?
My English (maths, Chinese, physics, chemistry, history) is poor. 我的英语(数学、语文、物理、化学、历史)学得不好。
(3) 表示学习某一学科,通常用动词do和study。如:
She did maths, physics and chemistry at school. 她上学时学过数学、物理和数学。
She was educated privately and at
Half the students take geography at A level. 有一半学生选上高级程度的地理课。
(4) 表示教授某一学科,除可用动词teach外,还可用lecture in。如:
For ten years she lectured in law. 她讲授过10年报法律课。
但是,如果是具体讲授某内容,则用lecture on。如:
I was asked to lecture on Irish folklore. 我被邀请做—个关于爱尔兰民歌的报告。