作战篇 NO.1:
孙子曰: 凡用兵之法,驰车千驷,革车千乘,带甲十万,千里馈粮,则内外之费,宾客之用,胶漆之材,车甲之奉,日费千金,然后十万之师举矣。
Sun Tzu said: In the operations of war,where there are in the field a thousand swift chariots,asmany heavy chariots, and a hundred thousand mail-clad soldiers, with provisions enough tocarry them a thousand li, the expenditure at home and at the front,including entertainmentof guests, small items such as glue and paint, and sums spent on chariots and armor,will reachthe total of a thousand ounces of silver per day.Such is the cost of raising an army of 100,000men.
主要论述的是速战速决的进攻战略,重点提出“兵贵胜,不贵久”的速胜思想。 投资者进入市场交易的主要目的就是赚钱,所以投资者在交易的过程中要时刻记住“外汇交易贵在赚钱,不贵在操作手法的巧妙和复杂”这个重要原则。一个交易操作方法有没有用要看他最后能不能给投资者带来利润,能否让投资者存活下来,而不是看他的“工巧”。我们大家在外汇市场求的是利,投资者在选择操作方法的时候千万要注意避免那些华而不实的方法。复杂的未必是好的,有时简洁明了的操作方法才会带给投资者最多的利益。