Thank you dear friends, from the bottom of my heart,for such a loving and spirited welcome, and thank you,Mr President, for your kind invitation to me which I amso honored to accept. I also want to express a specialthanks to you Shmuley, who for 11 years served asRabbi here at Oxford. You and I have been working sohard to form Heal the Kids, as well as writing our bookabout childlike qualities, and in all of our efforts youhave been such a supportive and loving friend. And I would also like to thank Toba Friedman, ourdirector of operations at Heal the Kids, who is returning tonight to the alma mater where sheserved as a Marshall scholar, as well as Marilyn Piels, another central member of our Heal the Kidsteam.
谢谢各位亲爱的朋友,对于大家如此热烈的欢迎,我由衷地表示感谢,谢谢校长,您的盛情邀请,我感到万分荣幸。同时我特别地给那些犹太教律法师施慕礼,感谢您十一年来在牛津所作的工作。您和我一起努力建立“拯救儿童”组织,就如创作我们的那本关于儿童特质的书一样艰辛,但自始至终您都给予我极大的支持,是我最亲爱的朋友。我还要感谢“拯救儿童”的执行总监多巴·弗里德曼,她将于今晚返回母校,在此,她曾经作为一个Marshall 学者工作过。当然还要感谢我们“拯救儿童”组织的另一位中心成员玛里琳·皮尔斯。
I am humbled to be lecturing in a place that has previously been filled by such notable figures asMother Theresa, Albert Einstein, Ronald Reagan, Robert Kennedy and Malcolm X. I've even heardthat Kermit the Frog has made an appearance here, and I've always felt a kinship with Kermit'smessage that it's not easy being green. I'm sure he didn't find it any easier being up here than I do!
As I looked around Oxford today, I couldn't help but be aware of the majesty and grandeur of thisgreat institution, not to mention the brilliance of the great and gifted minds that have roamedthese streets for centuries.
谢谢各位亲爱的朋友,对于大家如此热烈的欢迎,我由衷地表示感谢,谢谢校长,您的盛情邀请,我感到万分荣幸。同时我特别地给那些犹太教律法师施慕礼,感谢您十一年来在牛津所作的工作。您和我一起努力建立“拯救儿童”组织,就如创作我们的那本关于儿童特质的书一样艰辛,但自始至终您都给予我极大的支持,是我最亲爱的朋友。我还要感谢“拯救儿童”的执行总监多巴·弗里德曼,她将于今晚返回母校,在此,她曾经作为一个Marshall 学者工作过。当然还要感谢我们“拯救儿童”组织的另一位中心成员玛里琳·皮尔斯。
I am humbled to be lecturing in a place that has previously been filled by such notable figures asMother Theresa, Albert Einstein, Ronald Reagan, Robert Kennedy and Malcolm X. I've even heardthat Kermit the Frog has made an appearance here, and I've always felt a kinship with Kermit'smessage that it's not easy being green. I'm sure he didn't find it any easier being up here than I do!
As I looked around Oxford today, I couldn't help but be aware of the majesty and grandeur of thisgreat institution, not to mention the brilliance of the great and gifted minds that have roamedthese streets for centuries.