名校励志英语演讲 第49期:拯救世界 拯救儿童
教程:名校励志英语演讲  浏览:575  
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    I often tell Shmuley that in soul years I'm sure that I'mat least 80 – and tonight I even walk like I'm 80! Soplease harken to my message, because what I have totell you tonight can bring healing to humanity andhealing to our planet.
    Through the grace of God, I have been fortunate to have achieved many of my artistic andprofessional aspirations realized early in my lifetime. But these, friends are accomplishments, andaccomplishments alone are not synonymous with who I am. Indeed, the cheery five-year-old whobelted out Rockin' Robin and Ben to adoring crowds was not indicative of the boy behind the smile.
    多亏上帝的恩典,我有幸在我人生的早期就已实现了自己的大部分艺术和职业抱负。但,朋友们,这些只是我的成就,成就本身并不构成我这个人。事实上,在崇拜者面前活泼快乐地表演 Rockin' Robin 和 Ben 的五岁小男孩在舞台下不一定也同样快乐。
    Tonight, I come before you less as an icon of pop (whatever that means anyway), and more as anicon of a generation, a generation that no longer knows what it means to be children.
    All of us are products of our childhood. But I am the product of a lack of a childhood, an absence ofthat precious and wondrous age when we frolic playfully without a care in the world, basking in theadoration of parents and relatives, where our biggest concern is studying for that big spelling testcome Monday morning.
    Those of you who are familiar with the Jackson Five know that I began performing at the tenderage of five and that ever since then, I haven't stopped dancing or singing.
      上一篇:名校励志英语演讲 第48期:拯救世界 拯救儿童 下一篇:名校励志英语演讲 第50期:拯救世界 拯救儿童


