I just finished taping a show this week with so many powerful lessons that I wanted to weep,but I want to share some of those lessons with you today. As a matter of fact, there were so many lessons in the show that I taped just last week, that's going to air next week, you'll see it, I did weep. It was about some tough guys in prison for murder, for manslaughter , armed robbery, guys full of anger and violence. And they're involved in this program where dogs,little puppies, are taken from shelters and the eight-week-old puppies are given to the prisoners,eight-week-old puppies that would have otherwise been euthanized. The puppies live right in the prison cells with the prisoners 24 hours a day. And I forgot to ask them...how they housebreak them, because it's not like you can say,"I need to take the dog out."