He saw the drapes, and visibly winced. They did kind of stand out. I took pity on him.
"Dad", I said. "There is good news. I don't do drugs."
My father looked me in the eye and said: "Son, the bad news is if you're looking like this and you're not doing drugs we've got a real problem."
So your parents look at you today with love. They know how hard it is to make the grade and they respect you for making it.
And tomorrow as I know, as a parent of one of this class, as you receive your graduation, their hearts will beat with the natural rhythm of pride. Pride in what you have achieved. Pride in who you are.
They will be nervous for you, as you stand on the threshold of a new adventure for they know the many obstacles that lie ahead.
But they will be confident that you can surmount them, for they know also the strength of character and of spirit that has taken you thus far.
So to my fellow parents: I say, let us rejoice and be glad together.
And to the Yale College Class of 2008, I say: well done; and may blessings and good fortune be yours in the years to come. Thank you very much indeed.