脱口说英语口语生活习语大全B-3: be at one's wits' end 不知如何是好
教程:脱口说英语:习语口语大全  浏览:974  
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      B-3: be at one's wits' end 不知如何是好

      A:Does he know that he's already at his wits' end?


      B: I think he's realized that. But he's still whistling in the dark by putting up an act.


      A: He might be driven up a wall. You should handle your relation with him with kid gloves.

      A: 他快被逼得走投无路了,你应该以温和的手段对付他。

      B: But when I noticed that he was left in the cold, I couldn't help wanting to help him to get out of the situation.

      B: 但当我看到他已是孤家寡人的时候,我又不由自主地想帮助他摆脱这种状况。

      上一篇:脱口说英语口语生活习语大全B-2: bat around 推敲 下一篇:脱口说英语口语生活习语大全B-4:be down one's alley 最擅长的

