A historical society in Virginia is running a unique genealogy project. It`s using information from millions of old letters, books and diaries to identify more than a thousand slaves whose names have been lost.
The historians running the project hope it`ll help Americans, both black and white, learn about their ancestors. Athena Jones has the details.
历史学家称研发这一项目的目的是帮助美国人,无论是黑人还是白人,了解更多本家族先祖信息。下面是Athena Jones发回的详细报道。
African slaves first arrived in Virginia in 1619. Now in fading ink and yellowed paper, more of their stories are being told.
This is just the beginning.
A new online database allows users to track down information about their ancestors in this state, whether they were slaves, free blacks or slave owners, says Dr. Lauranett Lee.
Lauranett Lee教授说,在网上我们设立了一个新的数据库,可以方便人们查找自己家族的信息,无论是奴隶,或者自由黑人亦或是奴隶主都可以查到相关家族信息。
You can see all of the enslaved people that were listed in this broadside.
More than 80 people came to the Virginia Historical Society`s first workshop to learn how to navigate their site, including a history teacher, who flew in from Indiana --
I think it is just innately human to want to know our origins.
-- an amateur genealogist, Robert Payne --
还有一位家谱爱好者Robert Payne
Researching black folk is difficult. So, anytime you can find a new resource, it is always good to investigate.
Robert Payne说研究黑人历史非常困难,所以每次碰到新资源的时候都会去咨询了解一下。
The Unknown No Longer project and workshops, made possible with $125,000 in grants from the energy company, Dominion, is aimed at helping people fill in the gaps in their own family history, and, in the process, the nations.
We`re not only looking at African-American history, we`re looking at American history, from a Virginia perspective.
The society has amassed more than 8 million documents, donated mostly by well-to-do Virginia families.
More slaves lived in Virginia than in any other state. And this city, Richmond, was at the heart of the U.S. slave trade. Many black men, women and children were brought here to be sold to other states.
Some 3,200 names of slaves, free blacks and slaveholders have been entered into the database so far, and the site is updated weekly.
For so long people did not know who their ancestors were, did not know where to even go to look for it. And it`s important for people to know who they are, because having that sense of identity enables people to have a sense of dignity, a sense of knowing who they are within this American landscape.
The documents, deeds and wills, papers granting slaves their freedom, and even passes that allowed slaves from one plantation to visit another, are now searchable for free with the click of a button. Assistant archivist Paige Newman walked me through a search of a slave inventory list.
文件,契约和意愿,宣告奴隶自由的文件,还有允许奴隶拜访参观其他农场的通行证,这些都可以鼠标轻轻一点就可以实现。档案管理助手Paige Newman带我参观了一个奴隶详细目录清单。
So, you`ve got the names, the ages, their occupation.
And values.
The Virginia Historical Society is helping to fill in the details of America`s slave history, uncovering pieces of the past, name by name -- Athena Jones, CNN, Richmond, Virginia.
弗吉尼亚史学学会正在努力填补美国奴隶历史缺失的信息,一个名字接一个名字的查找翻阅。CNN记者Athena Jones在里士满为您报道。
A historical society in Virginia is running a unique genealogy project. It`s using information from millions of old letters, books and diaries to identify more than a thousand slaves whose names have been lost.
The historians running the project hope it`ll help Americans, both black and white, learn about their ancestors. Athena Jones has the details.
African slaves first arrived in Virginia in 1619. Now in fading ink and yellowed paper, more of their stories are being told.
This is just the beginning.
A new online database allows users to track down information about their ancestors in this state, whether they were slaves, free blacks or slave owners, says Dr. Lauranett Lee.
You can see all of the enslaved people that were listed in this broadside.
More than 80 people came to the Virginia Historical Society`s first workshop to learn how to navigate their site, including a history teacher, who flew in from Indiana --
I think it is just innately human to want to know our origins.
-- an amateur genealogist, Robert Payne --
Researching black folk is difficult. So, anytime you can find a new resource, it is always good to investigate.
The Unknown No Longer project and workshops, made possible with $125,000 in grants from the energy company, Dominion, is aimed at helping people fill in the gaps in their own family history, and, in the process, the nations.
We`re not only looking at African-American history, we`re looking at American history, from a Virginia perspective.
The society has amassed more than 8 million documents, donated mostly by well-to-do Virginia families.
More slaves lived in Virginia than in any other state. And this city, Richmond, was at the heart of the U.S. slave trade. Many black men, women and children were brought here to be sold to other states.
Some 3,200 names of slaves, free blacks and slaveholders have been entered into the database so far, and the site is updated weekly.
For so long people did not know who their ancestors were, did not know where to even go to look for it. And it`s important for people to know who they are, because having that sense of identity enables people to have a sense of dignity, a sense of knowing who they are within this American landscape.
The documents, deeds and wills, papers granting slaves their freedom, and even passes that allowed slaves from one plantation to visit another, are now searchable for free with the click of a button. Assistant archivist Paige Newman walked me through a search of a slave inventory list.
So, you`ve got the names, the ages, their occupation.
And values.
The Virginia Historical Society is helping to fill in the details of America`s slave history, uncovering pieces of the past, name by name -- Athena Jones, CNN, Richmond, Virginia.