American aircraft in the skies over Syria. The U.S. has given that the green light, and it`s the first story we`re covering today on CNN STUDENT NEWS. I`m Carl Azuz. Welcome to the show.
美国军事飞机已经飞往叙利亚。美国政府给对叙利亚救援行动开了绿灯。这就是我们今天CNN学生新闻的第一条新闻,我是Carl Azuz,欢迎大家。
This week, President Obama authorized U.S. planes to take surveillance over Syria. Why? The same reason he authorized them to attack in parts of Iraq. ISIS, the extreme terrorist group whose name stands for Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. That`s what they want. And because they`ve been
murdering people who don`t share their extremist beliefs, the U.S. is getting involved in fighting them.
This is especially complicated in Syria, though, because the nation is in the middle of a civil war. The U.S. doesn`t support Syria`s government, but both governments are against ISIS terrorists.
U.S. reconnaissance flights could begin over Syria at any time, according to U.S. officials, using possibly drones, U2 spy planes or F-18s.
But Pentagon is drafting options to strike inside Syria, but the U.S. won`t warn the Syrian government who says carrying out airstrikes without their consent would be a breach of its sovereignty and the act of aggression.
It`s unclear, however, how much the president`s top military adviser, General Martin Dempsey supports immediate U.S. military action.
A spokesman confirmed, Dempsey is preparing options to address ISIS, both in Iraq and Syria with a variety of military tools, including airstrikes.
But the lack of action so far is prompting critics like hawkish Republican Senator Lindsey Graham to charge the White House is trying to minimize the threat we face in order to justify non-changing a failed strategy."
Before any bombs could fall, the U.S. has to get fresh intelligence.
Well, we don`t talk about reconnaissance and intelligence matters, but in general, when you are thinking about conducting operations like that you certainly want to get as much of a view on the ground as you can.
American aircraft in the skies over Syria. The U.S. has given that the green light, and it`s the first story we`re covering today on CNN STUDENT NEWS. I`m Carl Azuz. Welcome to the show.
This week, President Obama authorized U.S. planes to take surveillance over Syria. Why? The same reason he authorized them to attack in parts of Iraq. ISIS, the extreme terrorist group whose name stands for Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. That`s what they want. And because they`ve been
murdering people who don`t share their extremist beliefs, the U.S. is getting involved in fighting them.
This is especially complicated in Syria, though, because the nation is in the middle of a civil war. The U.S. doesn`t support Syria`s government, but both governments are against ISIS terrorists.
U.S. reconnaissance flights could begin over Syria at any time, according to U.S. officials, using possibly drones, U2 spy planes or F-18s.
But Pentagon is drafting options to strike inside Syria, but the U.S. won`t warn the Syrian government who says carrying out airstrikes without their consent would be a breach of its sovereignty and the act of aggression.
It`s unclear, however, how much the president`s top military adviser, General Martin Dempsey supports immediate U.S. military action.
A spokesman confirmed, Dempsey is preparing options to address ISIS, both in Iraq and Syria with a variety of military tools, including airstrikes.
But the lack of action so far is prompting critics like hawkish Republican Senator Lindsey Graham to charge the White House is trying to minimize the threat we face in order to justify non-changing a failed strategy."
Before any bombs could fall, the U.S. has to get fresh intelligence.
Well, we don`t talk about reconnaissance and intelligence matters, but in general, when you are thinking about conducting operations like that you certainly want to get as much of a view on the ground as you can.