当我们遇到搞笑的事情时,常说“笑死了”“笑不活了”。在英语里有没有这样“传神”的表达呢?可别说laugh to death,更不是xswl……
如果是线上聊天,可以直接发送LOL。这里的LOL可不是英雄联盟,而是laugh out loud(大声笑) 的缩写。
ROFL也是类似的意思,即rolling on the floor laughing(笑得在地上打滚)。
还有一个比较有趣的表达,即laughing my ass off(笑掉屁股),缩写是LMAO,也是笑死了的意思。
laugh your head off
to laugh very loudly and for a long time
The audience laughed its head off all the way through.
belly laugh
belly是肚子,belly laugh就是捧腹大笑。
A belly laugh is a very loud, deep laugh
Each gag was rewarded with a generous belly-laugh.
be hilarious
hilarious /h 'le ri s/,本身就是“极好笑的,极有趣的”的意思;也可以表示“很滑稽”。
If something is hilarious, it is extremely funny and makes you laugh a lot.
Do you know Pete? He's hilarious.
crack up
哈哈大笑; 使…哈哈大笑。
crack有破裂、裂开的意思。人的笑就像是严肃的表情裂开了,所以crack up 也有哈哈大笑的意思。
If you crack up or if someone or something cracks you up, you laugh a lot
She told stories that cracked me up and I swore to write them down so you could enjoy them too.
chuckle 轻声笑
giggle 咯咯地笑 傻笑
guffaw 哄笑 狂笑
grin 咧嘴笑 露齿笑
snigger 窃笑
sneer 嘲笑 讥笑
smirk 幸灾乐祸地笑; 自鸣得意地笑
titter 窃笑
如果是线上聊天,可以直接发送LOL。这里的LOL可不是英雄联盟,而是laugh out loud(大声笑) 的缩写。
ROFL也是类似的意思,即rolling on the floor laughing(笑得在地上打滚)。
还有一个比较有趣的表达,即laughing my ass off(笑掉屁股),缩写是LMAO,也是笑死了的意思。
laugh your head off
to laugh very loudly and for a long time
The audience laughed its head off all the way through.
belly laugh
belly是肚子,belly laugh就是捧腹大笑。
A belly laugh is a very loud, deep laugh
Each gag was rewarded with a generous belly-laugh.
be hilarious
hilarious /h 'le ri s/,本身就是“极好笑的,极有趣的”的意思;也可以表示“很滑稽”。
If something is hilarious, it is extremely funny and makes you laugh a lot.
Do you know Pete? He's hilarious.
crack up
哈哈大笑; 使…哈哈大笑。
crack有破裂、裂开的意思。人的笑就像是严肃的表情裂开了,所以crack up 也有哈哈大笑的意思。
If you crack up or if someone or something cracks you up, you laugh a lot
She told stories that cracked me up and I swore to write them down so you could enjoy them too.
chuckle 轻声笑
giggle 咯咯地笑 傻笑
guffaw 哄笑 狂笑
grin 咧嘴笑 露齿笑
snigger 窃笑
sneer 嘲笑 讥笑
smirk 幸灾乐祸地笑; 自鸣得意地笑
titter 窃笑