Just as moon's gravity(引力) and orbit(轨道) can control the tides of our oceans. It will make sense that the planets can control some aspects of our lives and have an influence on our personalities. Therefore, I think there is a scientific basis for astrology.
In my opinion, the astrology is scientific. It's no doubt that everyone has a magnetic(有磁场的)field. Meanwhile, the planets and stars all have their own magnetic fields. According to the physics, magnetic fields will interact with each other. As a result, our bodies will be influenced by the planets.
There is no scientific basis for astrology.
Although, nowadays, different kinds of newspapers, magazines and websites are filled with astrological predictions(预示), such as Daily Horoscopes (占星术),Weekly Horoscopes and so on, in my views, there is no scientific basis for these predictions at all. 1f astrology were a science, then the daily horoscopes of all astrologers would be in full agreement among themselves, since they would be based on the same scientific data. But the reality is that many so-called horoscopes are contradictory to each other.
现如今,我们能在各种报纸、杂志和网页上看到星座运势的影子,如"每日运程"、"每周运程"等等。然而,我认为这些星座运势预测是完全没有科学依据的。假 如占星学是一种科学,那么在基于相同的科学理论之上,每位占星家所作出的预测应该是一致的,而现实情况中很多所谓的运势预测之间是相互冲突的。