First up, the U.S. is looking for support in fighting ISIS, it`s a brutal terrorist organization that`s taking over about a third each of Iraq and Syria. ISIS has murdered scores of people who don`t share its extreme Islamic views. It wants to create a country based on those views and declare war on the Western world. Iraqi forces have been fighting ISIS with support from U.S. airstrikes. President Obama has authorized surveillance flights in Syria. That`s expected to lead the U.S. airstrikes there, too. Yesterday, the White House held a meeting to discuss other ways to take on ISIS.
Let`s start with this sobering thought. ISIS is not just a local Iraqi or Syrian problem. Because in addition to the massive amounts of territory it has captured in Iraq and Syria, it is now already threatening Saudi Arabia. Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey. And as Americans, the great concern is that they also have their sites set even further afield.
Intelligence officials believe that there are about 1,000 Westerners fighting for ISIS in Iraq and Syria, among them, about 100 Americans. And it`s a belief of U.S. intelligence officials that they are being trained and encouraged to carry out attacks when they return home.
In fact, it`s belief that ISIS veterans have already carried out two attacks in Europe. The fear is that they will carry out many more going forward.
Now, U.S. intelligence and counter-terror officials are tracking ISIS veterans as best as they can when they attempt to go home. The trouble is, even they will admit that this is happening as U.S. intelligence capabilities are declining. For one, human intelligence, known as humint in the intelligence community has declined, virtually non-existent in Syria and it`s decreased in Iraq after the U.S. withdrew U.S. forces from Iraq.
Much of the intelligence done there by the U.S. Military.
First up, the U.S. is looking for support in fighting ISIS, it`s a brutal terrorist organization that`s taking over about a third each of Iraq and Syria. ISIS has murdered scores of people who don`t share its extreme Islamic views. It wants to create a country based on those views and declare war on the Western world. Iraqi forces have been fighting ISIS with support from U.S. airstrikes. President Obama has authorized surveillance flights in Syria. That`s expected to lead the U.S. airstrikes there, too. Yesterday, the White House held a meeting to discuss other ways to take on ISIS.
Let`s start with this sobering thought. ISIS is not just a local Iraqi or Syrian problem. Because in addition to the massive amounts of territory it has captured in Iraq and Syria, it is now already threatening Saudi Arabia. Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey. And as Americans, the great concern is that they also have their sites set even further afield.
Intelligence officials believe that there are about 1,000 Westerners fighting for ISIS in Iraq and Syria, among them, about 100 Americans. And it`s a belief of U.S. intelligence officials that they are being trained and encouraged to carry out attacks when they return home.
In fact, it`s belief that ISIS veterans have already carried out two attacks in Europe. The fear is that they will carry out many more going forward.
Now, U.S. intelligence and counter-terror officials are tracking ISIS veterans as best as they can when they attempt to go home. The trouble is, even they will admit that this is happening as U.S. intelligence capabilities are declining. For one, human intelligence, known as humint in the intelligence community has declined, virtually non-existent in Syria and it`s decreased in Iraq after the U.S. withdrew U.S. forces from Iraq.
Much of the intelligence done there by the U.S. military.