发音规则对对碰 Rules in Pairs
单词句子模仿秀 Words and Sentences
· 含/ɛə/有的单词、词组与句子
care 关心
careful 精心的
chairman 主席
hair 头发
fairly 公正地
fare 票价
parent 父母
prepare 准备
hare 罕见的
haircut 理发
dare to declare 敢于宣称
find a chair 找到一把椅子
hair dye 染发剂
have a haircut 剪发
I gave Mary a pair of chairs. 我给了玛丽一对椅子。
I have my hair cut there. 我在那里把头发剪了。
Their parents are very careful. 他们的父母非常仔细。
There are various kinds of pears. 这里有各种各样的梨。
· 含/uə/有的单词、词组与句子
fewer 较少的
fuel 燃料
influence 影响
insure 保险
intellectual 知识分子
January 一月
lure 诱惑
manual 体力的
moor (用链、锚)系(船)
poor 可怜的
during the day 在白天
fuel the car 给车加油
go on a tour 去旅行了
in rural areas 在乡下
I can't endure this inspection tour. 我不能忍受这种巡回检查。
I like pure chocolate. 我喜欢纯巧克力。
I want to have a tour of Eurpoe. 我想去欧洲旅行。
I'm not sure whether he will endure the lure or not.
超级趣味练功坊 Practice Makes Perfect
A:What do you usually do in the holiday?
B:I'd like to travel by the tourist car with my parents.
Beware! That's a bear lair.
The tourists were curious to know the story behind the mural.