Consubstantial (Latin: consubstantialis) is an adjective used in Latin Christian christology, coined by Tertullian in Against Hermogenes 44, used to translate the Greek term homoousios. "Consubstantial" describes the relationship among the Divine persons of the Christian Trinity and connotes that God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are "of one being" in that the Son is "generated" ("born" or "begotten") "before all ages" or "eternally" of the Father's own being, from which the Spirit also eternally "proceeds."
Metaphysics is a traditional branch of philosophy concerned with explaining the fundamental nature of being and the world that encompasses it, although the term is not easily defined. Traditionally, metaphysics attempts to answer two basic questions in the broadest possible terms:1)What is ultimately there? 2)What is it like?
In Southern Africa, the term Coloureds (also known as Bruinmense, Kleurlinge or Bruine Afrikaners in Afrikaans) is an ethnic label for people of mixed ethnic origin who possess ancestry from Europe, Asia, and various Khoisan and Bantu tribes of Southern Africa. Besides the extensive combining of these diverse heritages in the Western Cape — in which a distinctive Cape Coloured and affiliated Cape Malay culture developed — in other parts of Southern Africa, their development has usually been the result of the meeting of two distinct groups. Genetic studies suggest the group has the highest levels of mixed ancestry in the world. However, the maternal (female) contribution to the Coloured population, measured by mitochondrial DNA studies, was found to come mostly from the Khoisan population.
有色人(英语:‘Coloureds',阿非利卡语:Bruinmense, Kleurlinge或Bruin Afrikaners)在南非、纳米比亚、博茨瓦纳、津巴布韦、赞比亚地区的使用,指的是祖先来自欧洲,与非洲南部原住民通婚产生的这一族群。除了在西开普敦的开普有色人种,他们吸收了开普马来人的文化并成为了其中的一部分外,其余的有色人文化基本都是欧非的融合。基因学表明这一族群可能是世界上融合程度最高的。根据线粒体DNA的分析,有色人的母亲部分主要来源于科伊桑人。