国际关系英语词汇大全Unit 23
教程:国际关系词汇  浏览:391  
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      Explanation of English Words unit 23

      英语单词讲解 unit 23

      1.Free Trade

      Free trade is a policy in international markets in which governments do not restrict imports or exports. Free trade is exemplified by the European Union / European Economic Area and the North American Free Trade Agreement, which have established open markets. Most nations are today members of the World Trade Organization (WTO) multilateral trade agreements. However, most governments still impose some protectionist policies that are intended to support local employment, such as applying tariffs to imports or subsidies to exports. Governments may also restrict free trade to limit exports of natural resources. Other barriers that may hinder trade include import quotas, taxes and non-tariff barriers, such as regulatory legislation.




      A customs union is a type of trade bloc which is composed of a free trade area with a common external tariff. The participant countries set up common external trade policy, but in some cases they use different import quotas. Common competition policy is also helpful to avoid competition deficiency.


      关税同盟是指两个或两个以上国家缔结协定,建立统一的关境,在统一关境内缔约国相互间减让或取消关税,对从关境以外的国家或地区的商品进口则实行共同的关税税率和外贸政策[1] 。关税同盟从欧洲开始,是经济一体化的组织形式之一。对内实行减免关税和贸易限制,商品自由流动;对外实行统一的关税和对外贸易政策。关税同盟有两种经济效应,静态效应和动态效应。


      In economics, a duty is a kind of tax levied by a state. It is often associated with customs, in which context they are also known as tariffs or dues. The term is often used to describe a tax on certain items purchased abroad.[1] Properly, a duty differs from a tax in being levied on specific commodities, financial transactions, estates, etc. rather than on individuals. Duties may be import duties, excise duties, stamp duties, death or succession duties, etc.; but not such direct impositions as personal income taxes.



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