49 勇士富兰克林 Franklin THE FEARLESS
Franklin The Fearless
Franklin could count by twos and tie his shoes. He was always brave when he bruised his knee or got a sliver. But one day, Franklin learned that admitting he was afraid was a brave a thing to do too.
This doesn't seem as fun as last summer.
Maybe Acorn Hill's getting smaller..
Or maybe we're all getting bigger.
Yeah, we need a bigger hill.
Some of the big kids ride their bike down Trill Hill.
No way! Who told you that?
My cousin Jack. And he should know, 'cause he is a big kid.
Let's go check it out!
Yeah, okey!
Gee, It sure is high...
And... steep...
Look at all the rocks...
Y-y-you can go first if you want.
That's okay...I'll let Bear go first.
Maybe Thrill Hill is a little too big. I mean, it would be a lot of work to pull our wagons all the way back up.
Yeah...Acon Hill's not so bad.
Okay...Uh...let's go back there.
I'll catch up in a minute...as soon as I grab a handful of those berries.
I'll wait for you.
See you later guys.
Whoa! Franklin's going for it!
Yeah/Wow look at that!/ Woohoo!
Look at him go!
Sounds like he's having lots of fun!
He's almost at the bottom!
Way to go Franklin!
That was an amazing ride!
Wow! I've never seen anybody drive a wagon like that! And you made it all the way to the bottom!
Yeah! Am I ever lucky...
You mean BRAVE!
Brave? Me?
Are you kidding? You went down Trill Hill!
Yeah! You're fearless!
Three cheers for Franklin the Fearless!...
Hip-hip-Hooray! Hip-hip-Hooray! Hip-hip-Hooray!
And then his wagon hit a bump and sailed into the air.
I had to hold on really tight so I wouldn't fall out!
After he landed, he had to steer really hard.
Because there was a big rock right in front of me!
Two of the wheels were right off the ground!
Like this! Then I had to steer the other way to miss another rock.
Wow!/ Weren't you scared?
Not Franklin! He's fearless!
Wow! I wish I could have been there to see it!
Yeah!/ Me too!
Too bad everyone couldn't have seen it!
No problem! You can do it again tomorrow, right Franklin?
I can't wait!
I don't know anyone as brave as you Franklin!
Three cheers for Franklin the Fearless!
Hip-hip-hooray! Hip-hip-hooray! Hip-hip-hooray!
There it is... Thrill Hill!
Maybe you should try practise run before tomorrow?
I uh...I don't think so.
Yeah. I guess it's nothing to worry about for Franklin, the Fearless.
But I'm getting tummy butterflies just thinking about it.
Well, see you tomorrow, Fearless. This time everybody's going to be watching!
You're going to be famous.
Ahh...Lookout...oh no!
Three cheers for Franklin! Hip-hip-hooray! Hip-hip-hooray! Hip-hip-hooray!
Hey! This isn't so bad after all!
Nice jump!/Way to go!
Yay, Franklin!/You're the bravest!
That's right, I'm the bravest kid in the...
You are fearless Franklin!
Way to go Fearless!
Huh?... Oh...Just a bad dream...
Well Sam this is it. Wish me luck.
Go, Franklin! You can do it.
Yeah right- fearless!
Heh! You've gotta be kidding!
Heh! Were you ever scared!
No... I wasn't scared...I wasn't...
I wasn't...I wasn't. Uh...oh..
Just another dream...Gee Sam...I don't know what's scarest-going down Trill Hill...or NOT going down and having everyone laugh at me.
Huh?...Morning already? Or maybe it's another dream...OW, I'm not dreaming. Goodbye Sam, You're the best dog I ever had.
You've hardly touched your breakfast, Franklin. Are you feeling alright?
I'm just not very hungry, I guess.
Hey, Franklin! Are you ready?
Bye Mon. You're the best Mon I ever had.
Oh! Why thank you, Franklin! Goodbye!
Aren't you forgetting something, Franklin? Your wagon.
Oh yeah...my wagon...How could I forget?
You're lucky I remembered.
Yeah...thanks Bear.
I'm lucky too.
What do you mean?
Because my best friend is going to be famous.
Hop in! I can get us there faster!
Faster? Great...
This wagon's getting harder and harder to pull.
Do you want to stop and rest for a while?
No, that's okay, Franklin. You don't want to keep everyone waiting.
Oh, yes I do!
Here he comes!
Yaaaay! Franklin!/ Go Fearless!
Are you ready Fearless?
I guess so.
Do you need a push?
No, I'll do it myself.
Wait a minute...Jack didn't believe me what I told him about Franklin the Fearless, so I told him to come and see for himself.
Hi, guys!
Gee, even a big kid wants to watch you Franklin. I knew you were going to famous.
No kidding, you're really going down Trill Hill?
He sure is!
He's fearless!
Three cheers for Franklin the fearless! Hip-hip-hooray! Hip-hip-hooray! Hip..hip.. HUH?!?
What happened Fearless?
Oooh, I'm not fearless, that's what happened! I'm sorry you guys.
He really did go down yesterday.
I went down by accident. And I was really scared...but I didn't want to admit it...especially when everyone thought I was so brave.
You were scared? Gee, I thought you were having fun.
It was no fun at all. I'm not Franklin the Fearless. I'm Franklin the Scaredy-cat.
You're not scaredy cat, Franklin. I say you're pretty brave!
Brave?! But...I was scared!
Hey, that's the steepest hill around, who wouldn't be scared?
What's brave was admitting it to all your friends!
You really think so?
I know so... and I'll tell you a secret, some kids would go down this hill just to be a big shot in front of their friends. And that would be really dumb.
It would?
Yeah... and I should know.
'Cause you're a big kid?
No, cause this's how I broke my arm last summer.
Gee Franklin, I'm glad you didn't go down Thrill Hill just because of us.
Yeah, you could have really been hurt. we would have felt awful.
Thanks guys. Next time, I'll be brave and admit that I'm scared!
Hey Franklin, your wagon made it all the way down!
Three cheers for Franklin's Fearless Wagon!