1 .直接宾语:
We'll take an X-ray of your chest .我们将透视一下你的胸部。
She made an important discove 习,她有重大发现。
We are looking for an apartment .我们在找住房。
He filled out the money order .他把汇票填好。
What job are you applying for ?你申请什么工作?
He takes after his father .他长得像他父亲。
2 .间接宾语:
The doctor gave him a prescription .医生给他开了处方。
She showed the girls her new dress .她把新衣服拿给姑娘们看。
I'll lend you something to read .我借点书给你看。
Can you do me a favour ?你能帮我一个忙吗?
间接宾语有的可改为一个由to 或for 引起的短语:
Pass me the salt . /Pass the salt to me .把盐递给我.
She sent me a postcard./ She sent a postcard to us .她寄给我们一张明信片.
Sing us a song !/ Sing a song for us !给我们唱一支歌!
Mother made him a coat? Mother made a coat for him .
能跟两个宾语的动词称为双宾动词(ditransitive verbs ) ,常见的有give , snow , send , bring , offer , read , pass , lend , leave , hand , tell , write , pay , throw , allow , wish , teach , promise , award , accord , grant , owe , deny 等(这类动词的间接宾语可改为to 引起的短语), 及make , buy , do , fetch , get , paint , play , save , reserve , order , cook , sing , find 等(这类动词的间接宾语可改为for 引起的短语)。关于双宾动词可参阅第72 节。