Just a moment, please. I'll get a cart.
2. 这是您的取物条,先生。
This is your claim tao,sir.
3. 为您叫辆车好吗?
May I arrange a car for you?
4. 我为您转接前台。
I'll connect you with the Front Desk.
5. 给您菜单。
Here is the menu.
6. 我们期盼您的光临。
We look forward to seeing you.
7. 能告诉我您的房间号吗?
May I have your room number?
8. 我可以进来收餐吗?
May I enter and take the tray, please?
9. 客房服务员,我能进来吗?
Housekeeping, may I come in?
10. 现在能打扫房间了吗?
May I clean your room now?
11. 我能为您开夜床吗?
May I turn down your hed?
12. 我能补充您的迷你吧吗?
May I replenish your niini Bar?
13. 请填写洗衣单。
Could you please fill out the laundry form?
14. 每间客房都有吹风机。
We have hair dryer in each guest room.
15. 这是我们的休息厅。
This is our relax room.
16. 我们这里的按摩很棒的。
The massage here is wonderful.
17. 我将尽快来为您服务。
I'll be with you as soon as possible.
18. 晚上好,欢迎光临中餐厅。
Good evening,welcome to Chinese restaurant.
19. 您还有什么要求吗?
Do you have any requirements?
20. 我能进来补一条浴巾吗?
May I come in to add a bath towel?
21. 根据酒店的规定,必须要赔偿损坏物品。
According to the hotel policy, the damage must be paid for.
22. 这边请,这是我们的贵宾房。
This way, please, this is our VIP room.
23. 为您拉上窗帘,好吗?
Would you like me to draw the curtain for you?
24. 很抱歉,我得按先后次序为顾客服务,先生。
I'm sorry, but I have to take each guest by turn,sir.
Your bags can be picked up from the Bell Captain's desk.
VIP(贵宾)claim/pick luggage(取行李)Chinese restaurant(中餐厅)look forward to(期盼)bath towel(浴巾吧)relax room(休息厅)