Please check out at the service desk.
2. 这是本馆的专题书目。
Here are the catalogues on special topics.
3. 请填写这张表格。
Please fill in this form.
Please don't use a cell phone for conversation.
5. 请将手机关掉或调至振动状态。
Phone should be switched off or set to silent mode.
6. 请保持安静。
Please keep quiet.
7. 里面有没有视听室?
Is there an audio section inside?
8. 你们安装了安全系统吗?
Have you adopted a security system?
9. 精装还是平装的?
Hardcover or paperback?
1O. 这本书需要防尘外套吗?
Do you need a dust jacket for the book?
11. 我现在为您办理续借手续。
I will process your application right now.
12. 借阅后,请放回原处。
Please return after reading.
13. 复印室为读者提供方便。
Photocopy room is convenient for readers.
14. 把自己的书放在学生存储间。
Please put your own book in the students' locker.
15. 不要把您的书落在借书台上。
Don't forget your book on the circulation desk.
16. 您能把您的图书证借我么?
Could you lend your library card to me?
17. 你可以向服务台寻求帮助。
Please go to the information desk for help.
18. 借期一个月。
You can keep the items for one month.
19. 我想要带作者签名的自传版本。
I want an edition with the autograph of the author.
20. 所有的书都按字母排列放置。
Our books are arranged alphabetically.
21. 要是你找不到,图书馆馆员会 帮你的。
If you fail to find them, librarians will help you.
22. 你可以用电脑目录检索书号,或者先到书架上去找。
You can use the computer catalogs to check the book numbers and search for them on the shelves first.
23. 我馆的开放时间是除星期三之外的每天早上九点到晚上九点。
This library is available from 9:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. everyday except Wednesday.
24. 您可以借阅本室的视听资料。
The videos and CDs in this room can be borrowed.
25. 对不起,您的书已经过期,不能续借。
Sorry, your items areoverdue and may not be renewed.
service desk(服务台)librarian(馆员)overdue(过期)audio section(视听室)computer catalogs(电脑目录检索)library card(借书证)overdue(过期)