Do you want it dry-cleaned or hand-washed ?
2. 我们不收信用卡。请付现金。
We don't take credit card. Please pay in cash.
3. 这是洗衣单。
Here's the laundry slip.
4. 你可以在5点过后来取。
You can come to collect it after 5 p.m.
5. 请您填一下洗衣单,好吗?
Can you fill out the laundry form, please?
6. 请在单据上写明各个项目。
Please list quantity of each artic-le on a slip.
7. 我想把这条裙子烫平。
I'd like to have this skirt pressed.
8. 快洗业务要加10%的费用。
An extra charge of 1O% for quick service.
9. 可以免费送衣到您家。
The delivery is free of charge.
10. 请找出我洗的衣物。
Please pick up my laundry.
11. 请稍等,我查一下。
Just a moment, please, I'll check.
12. 有一件遗失了。
There's one piece missing.
13. 对不起你的衣服还没有好。
Sorry,your laundry is not ready yet.
14. 这件不是我的。
This is not mine.
15. 将你要洗的衣服放在袋中。
Please put your laundry in the paper bag.
16. 将衣物内容写下来。
Write down the contents of the laundry on it.
17. 不可手洗。
Can't be washed by hands.
18. 我什么时候可以来取?
When shall I pick them up.
19. 它是不是会缩水或褪色?
Did it ever shrink or fade?
20. 请星期五来取吧。
Please pick them up on Friday.
21. 一般洗衣需要三天。
It often takes three days to have laundry done.
22. 我有些衣服需要送洗。
I have some laundry.
23. 干洗的钱是普通洗衣的三倍。
The cost for dry-cleaning is three times of that for ordiniary laundering.
24. 你要洗的衣物下午5点钟以前就能洗好。
Your laundry will be done before 5 p.m.
25. 这两服和羊毛衫得干洗。
This suit and the woolen sweatcr should be drycleaned.
shrink(缩水)fade(退色)free of charge(免费)pick up(取)dry-clean(干洗)laundry slip(洗衣单)credit card(信用卡)