1. 滑板是一项很有趣的运动。
Skateboard is an interesting sport.
2. 有许多滑板技巧。
There are many skills about skateboarding.
3. 我滑滑板去书店。
I go to bookstore by skateboarding.
4. 去年我几乎没有滑过滑板。
Last year, I hardly ever went skateboarding.
5. 你愿意和我一起踩滑板吗?
Are you willing to skateboard with me?
6. 滑板来源于哪?
Where does skateboard come from?
7. 怎样做外转滑?
How to do a front side 180 ollie?
8. 他善于滑街式。
He is good at playing street tips.
9. 怎样组装滑板?
How to assemble skateboard?
10. 滑板是一项极限运动。
Skateboarding is one kind of extreme game.
11. 她从滑板上摔了下来。
She fell down from the skateboard.
12. 他们经常参加滑板活动。
They often enter the skateboarding activities.
13. 滑板有刹车吗?
Does skateboard have a brake?
14. 他是个很棒的滑板伙伴。
He is a great road teammate of mine.
15. 后面的滑轮要细一点。
You want a little bit thinner track on the back.
16. 前面的滑轮要宽一点。
You want the front end to be a little bit wider.
17. 最喜欢哪个牌子的滑板?
Which brand skateboard do you like best?
18. 他昨天新买个奇怪的滑板。
She bought a strange skateboard yesterday.
19. 他反对我进行极限运动。
He was opposed to my limit movement.
20. 有场精彩的滑板表演。
There is a wonderful show of skateboarding.
21. 谁是你们滑板队队长?
Who is the leader of your team?
22. 她有玩滑板的天赋。
She has the talent of playing skateboard.
23. 用后轮刹可以帮你转弯或者让你急速刹车。
Rear wheel brakes help you turn or let you make a quick stop.
24. 滑板有塑料踏板和可伸缩的操控杆。
Skateboards have a plastic deck and a flexible joystick.
25. 练习滑滑板不允许我们偷懒。
To practice playing skateboard doesn't allow us to slack.
street tip(街式)assemble(组装)extreme game(极限运动)road teammate(滑板伙伴)joystick(操控杆)deck(踏板)flexible(可伸缩的)