1. 我从上周才开始学习滑雪。
I only learned to ski last week.
2. 我儿子过去经常滑雪。
My son used to go skiing all the time.
3. 我从没停止过练习滑雪。
I never stop practicing skiing.
4. 你喜欢花样滑雪吗?
Do you like figure skiing?
5. 这只是一个技巧的问题。
It's just a skill.
6. 我想在高阶滑雪道滑雪。
I want to go ski on the advanced runs.
7. 我很享受滑雪这项运动。
I really enjoy skiing.
8. 滑雪真是太棒了!
Skiing was really awesome!
9. 我会尽可能多去滑雪。
I will try to go skiing as often as possible.
1O. 滑雪非常有意思。
Skiing is super interesting.
11. 滑雪是有利于健康的。
Skiing is healthful.
12. 他们依次地从山坡滑下来。
They skied down the slope one by one.
13. 出发前我很紧张。
I was nervous before leaving.
14. 我想去买套滑雪服。
I want to get some skiwear.
15. 我恐怕没你那么好。
I'm afraid I'm not as good as you are.
16. 听起来真有意思。
That sounds great.
17. 越野滑雪是惊险的运动。
The cross-country skiing is a thrilling sport.
18. 她建议我请个教练。
She advised me to get an instructor.
19. 滑雪给我带来很多乐趣。
Skiing gives me a lot of fun.
20. 我看见汤姆滑雪时摔倒。
I saw Tom fall down during skiing.
21. 滑一次雪,你就会着迷的。
Once you try skiing, you will be hooked.
22. 她最担心就是安全问题。
The only thing she worried about is the safety.
23. 当我们滑雪回来时,我们冻得要死。
We were freezing to death when we came in from skiing.
24. 对于这样一项剧烈的运动来说,我的肌肉还不够强壮。
My muscle may be not strong enough for such an intense sport.
25. 当我穿着滑雪鞋在银白的地毯上飞舞时,感觉太棒了。
It feels so fantastic when I fly in my skiing shoes in the carpet of white.
ski(滑雪)used to do(过去经常)figure skate(花样滑冰)fall down(摔倒)hook(着迷)cross-country skiing(越野滑雪)fun(乐趣)