1. 核能有什么好处?
What is the advantage of nuclear power?
2. 我对原子物理学所知甚少。
I know little about nuclear physics.
3. 核聚变使太阳保持活力。
Nuclear fusion keeps the sun alive.
4. 美国突然发动了核袭击。
America launched a sudden nuclear salvo.
5. 我们应该禁止使用核武器。
We should bar the use of nuclear weapons.
6. 核辐射能够改变基因。
Nuclear radiations can change genes.
7. 一个核电站正在被修建。
A nuclear power station is being built.
8. 原子的结合能是巨大的。
Nuclear binding energies are strikingly high.
9. 你如何看待核裁军?
What do you think of nuclear disarmament?
10. 核时代已经到来。
Nuclear age has come.
11. 商战将变得非常激烈。
The business campaign would go nuclear.
12. 他们的核作战能力很强。
They have strong nuclear war-fighting capability.
13. 日本的核灾难损失很大。
Japan's nuclear disaster brought great loss.
14. 我们能够实现水下核爆炸。
We can achieve nuclear underwater burst.
15. 这个导弹被安装了核弹头。
The missile is armed with nuclear warhead.
16. 俄罗斯有很多核潜艇。
Russia has many nuclear submarines.
17. 我们必须保证核武器安全。
We must insure nuclear weapon safety.
18. 每个人都惧怕核威慑力。
Everybody fears nuclear deterrent.
19. 核武器是终极的威慑力量。
Nuclear weapons are the ultimate deterrent.
20. 海水可以是核反应的原料。
Seawater can be the source of nuclear react.
21. 美国在战争中投下了核弹。
U.S. launched nuclear bombs in the war.
22. 我们应该合理使用核能。
We should use nuclear energy appropriately.
23. 核辐射能使皮肤感到发痒和刺痛。
Nuclear radiations cause itching and tingling of the skin.
24. 很多国家都很担心核事故发生。
Many countries are worried about the possibility of nuclear accident.
25. 我们应该进一步限制核扩散。
The proliferation of nuclear weapons should be further limited.