32. To Be On The Spaceship Earth:
Do flying saucers really exist? 飞碟真的存在吗?
My money is all gone! 我一文不名了!
I wish we had a baby. 我希望我们有个小宝宝。
Beyond this ocean lies the rich subcontinent of India. 海的那一边有富饶的印度次大陆。
Did the chicken come before the egg? 先有鸡还是先有蛋?
Some people believe in the Loch Ness monster. 有些人相信尼斯湖水怪是存在的。
There must be someone behind the door. 门后必然有人在。
Is anybody home? 有人在家吗?
She's gone; my heart's broken. 她弃我而去;我心碎无声。
There is a mole under the ground. 地下有一只鼹鼠。
Hey, you forgot about me! Don't leave me here! 喂,你把我给忘记了!别把我对丢在这里!
Five cats and a man were involved in an accident. 五只猫和一个男人被卷入那场意外里面。
Do you have the tickets, or not? 你到底有没有买票?
Why are you here? 你怎么会在这里?
What lives in there? 那里面生存着什么呀?
There are three apples on the plate. 盘子上面有三个苹果。
There aren't any other worms for me to play with. I'm the only worm here. 此地没有和我玩的虫虫。这里只有我一条而已。
The statue is no longer standing here. 那做铜像已经不竖在这里了。(大家还记得一个安徒生童话,“王子与小燕子”吗?)
Do we exist? 我们实际存在吗?