百科知识视频之煎蛋小学堂32 环保新理念 - “均衡捕鱼论”
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    Anyone who goes fishing probably has a fishy story about "the one that got away,"It was this big,doncha know.Yah,that was a bummer...but it's actually quite important that big fish get away,both for fish and fishermen.For most of the species that we fish,commercial and recreational fishermen are only allowed to keep individuals.about a minimum legal size.

    每一个钓鱼的人都有个 大鱼脱钩的故事。你要知道 它老大了。嗯 是很悲催。但对于鱼和渔夫们来说 大鱼脱钩却十分重要。对于我们钓上来绝大多数的鱼种而言,职业和休闲渔民仅可以保留那些超过 最小合法尺寸的鱼。

    The idea behind these laws is to protect juveniles so they can grow big enough to reproduce at least once before becoming our dinner.In theory,that means there will always be enough fish for dinner tomorrow.And insuring dinner for tomorrow is important enough that the British Parliament discussed protecting young-that is,small-fish as early as 1376,and today it's a common regulation for fisheries worldwide.Except,it doesn't really work.

    法律背后是为了保护鱼的幼苗 使其可在被送上餐桌前 长大到至少能繁殖一次。理论上 这意味着我们明天的餐桌上鱼永远够吃。保证明日的供应是如此重要 以至于英国议会曾考虑过保护鱼的幼苗 也就是小鱼 早在1376年 而今日它仍是全世界渔民通用的规矩。只不过 这没啥用。

    First,large individuals have the greatest number of successful offspring both because bigger fish produce more eggs and because the eggs they produce ALSO contain a more generous food supply for the baby fishies.So by removing the largest fish of a given species,we severely decrease the population's ability to replenish itself.

    首先 大鱼繁衍后代成功率是最高的 因为大鱼产卵更多 也因为它们产下的卵中 为幼鱼准备的食物更充足。正因去除一种鱼类中的大鱼,我们极大地削弱了种群繁衍的能力。

    Second,if we only remove the largest fish,that means fish that are smallfor their age and thus smaller when they first reproduce-are more likely to live long enough to make babies.

    其次 如果我们仅拿走了大鱼 这就意味着同龄鱼类中的小鱼 同时在产卵时体格更小 更可能活到产卵的时候。

    So individuals with small-fish genes tend to stay in the water,reproduce and pass on their small-fish genes to new generations,while big fish and big-fish genes become rarer and rarer.We're basically breeding smaller fish,unintentionally-and it's not a small change.Size-selective fishing has caused the body mass of large commercial fish to be cut in half over the last 40 years-let me say that again:heavily-fished fish are now half the weight they used to be.

    因此 携带小鱼基因的鱼更可能活下来 繁衍后代。将小鱼基因传给下一代,而大鱼和大鱼基因愈发稀有。我们只是在不觉中催生了小鱼 但这变化来的不小。大小选择性捕捞造成大个头商品鱼的重量 在近40年内下降一半 让我再说一遍 大量捕捞鱼的重量比以前下降了一半。

    Six-year-old haddock,for example,weigh 40% of what they did in 1970.Imagine if full-grown men weighed 65-pounds!Clearly,size-selective fishing means feser and smaller fish in the water,which suggests it's not the best way to keep our fish supply stocked for future human generations.And in fact,there's a new idea called"balanced harvesting"ready to save the day.Instead of reeling in all of the largest individuals,fishermen would catch a smaller number of fish across a wider range of sizes,keeping the numbers and sizes of fish,well,balanced.

    比如 今天六年黑线鳕的重量比1970年减少了40%。想象一下只有65磅的成年人吧!显然 大小选择性捕捞意味着水中鱼类更少 更小,也就是说 这不是保持未来鱼类供应的最佳方案。实际上 一个名为“均衡捕捞”的理念为此而生。与卷走所有大鱼相反,渔民在每种大小的鱼类中捕捞一小部分,保持鱼类数量和尺寸的均衡。

    However,old habits die hard,and the use of size limits is deeply ingrained in our collective fisheries management DNA.But sooner rather than later,we'll have to accept that it's good to let some of the "big ones"get away,for only they can change the course of fishtory.

    但是 旧习难除 大小限制深深地扎根在 我们渔业管理的DNA中。但不久之后 我们必须接受 让一些大鱼溜走是好事,只有它们能够改变捕鱼的历史。

      上一篇:百科知识视频之煎蛋小学堂31 地球之水哪里来? 下一篇:百科知识视频之煎蛋小学堂33 爱吃爱喝不爱动?都是基因的错


