Downey sort of made light of the award joking, “When the first generation award was given in 2005, I thought simply, ‘Where’s mine?’ And I’ve spent 10 long years patiently awaiting. . . to receive the recognition I’ve so desired.” But the actor, who has been very public about the ups and downs of his career, also took the opportunity to get a little serious saying,
In the 34 years that have passed since the birth of MTV, I’ve grown up, I’ve struggled, I’ve failed. I’ve partied way too much. I begged for second chances and literally clawed my way to the top.
Downey then addressed his fellow Avengers ordering, “Everyone take a knee!” And what Tony Stark wants, Tony Stark gets.
Downey went on to pay his co-stars tribute: “I try to live honorably and never forget my love of the game and my friends… if a man is judged by the company he keeps, I must be doing something right.”
But Downey’s mock demands weren’t the only example of that famous Avengerscamaraderie. When introducing a montage of his past work, Johannson joked, “We should also mention that, like Tony Stark in Iron Man, he’s filthy f*cking rich.” The group also obviously had plenty of fun backstage.